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Jaynes reached the following conclusion: the psychological language produced from the change of physical language by the aid of metaphor and analogy; mind was the similar thing of the real world; psychological language was the premise of the production of

Jay was such a sight for most of the shoppers, not many seemed to notice that his shopping companion was none other than Singaporean singer JJ Lin. 周杰伦吸引了几乎所有在场的人的目光,没有什么人留意到与陪同周杰伦去购物的是新加坡歌手林俊杰。
Jay's songs have been prevailing among young people in recent years. 这几年周杰伦的歌曲在年轻人中特别流行。
Jay: Hey mom, I need you to 1) raise my 2) allowance. What do you say? 杰伦:嘿,妈,我需要妳多给我一点零用钱,可以吗?
Jay: Sometimes I wish I'd done a little more with my life instead of hanging out in front of places. 有时候我希望在我的生活中我能多做一些其他的事情。
Jay: There's this new MP3 player I need to buy. 杰伦:我需要买最新的MP3随身听。
Jaynes reached the following conclusion: the psychological language produced from the change of physical language by the aid of metaphor and analogy; mind was the similar thing of the real world; psychological language was the premise of the production of 我们认为,物理语言以及类比、隐喻不是心理语言产生的充分条件,除此之外,还要有表达真实存在的内部过程的需要。
Jaynes, E. T. (2003). Probability theory: The logic of science. Cambridge University Press. 《机率论︰科学的逻辑》,剑桥大学出版社。
Jaywalking is against traffic regulations. 行人任意闯越马路是违反交通规则.
Jazz - Rock n′ roll style character. 爵士:奔放的摇滚乐型角色。
Jazz and classical music are also good. Sometimes when I'm in a bad mood, I play orchestral numbers to relieve my emotions. 爵士乐跟古典音乐也很棒。当我心情不好的时候,我会放交响乐来舒缓我的情绪。
Jazz can make the listener feel sad or joyful, quiet or full of energy. 爵士乐让聆听者时而忧伤,时而欢快,时而平静,时而精神焕发。

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