Intestiflora utilises Nutrilite's patented dual micro-encapsulation technology to ensure the active probiotic organisms survive gastric juices and are delivered direct to the intestines. This guarantees 100% absorption and ensures total effectiveness.
吸收百分百—益菌容易受胃酸的酸性破坏,健尔力采用专利晶球技术,以耐酸性黏膜和植物油形成保护膜,包裹10亿益菌,免受胃酸破坏,确保所有益菌能百分百直达肠道和被吸收;同时保证益菌不受环境影响,发挥最高活性效能。 |
Intestinal lipomas are usually single with mild clinical manifestation and are well recognized within the gastrointestinal tract.
摘要肠道脂肪瘤好发于迴盲瓣和升结肠。 |
Intestinal obstruction causing colic, vomiting, and constipation.
肠阻塞造成腹绞痛、呕吐和便秘的肠道堵塞 |
Intestinal problems, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, also seem to make some people more susceptible.
小肠问题,例如溃疡性结肠炎和节段性回肠炎,使得某些人更加易感染口腔溃疡。 |
Intestines and stomach would be very active if you had too much radishes, in winter's classroom, all kind of fart sounds could be hearted, some of them were long, some of them were short, some of them were cadence, I admired one of my classmates very much
萝卜吃多了人的肠胃就会非常的活跃,冬天的教室里,你就会听到各式各样的屁声,有的长、有的短,有的抑扬顿挫,最让我佩服的一个同学,他能够随时随地以降B调来放屁! |
Intestines, stomach, liver and heart, all messy and gory. This is cool!
肠、胃、肝脏还有心脏,全部都是肮脏血污的,好酷! |
Inthe pediatric department he studied, Clark wrote, about 10 percent ofall visits are for these kinds of musculoskeletal injuries.
克拉克在文章中写道,在他从事该研究的小儿科,约10%的就诊患者属于这些肌肉骨骼损伤。 |
Inthe world most is difficult to climb the more mountain is oneself,often front goes a step further, is an archery target surmounting.
世上最难攀越的高山就是自己,每每前进一步,就是一次质的超越。 |
IntheNewYear conference of 2006, China Mobile set “benefiting the people and strive for continuous improvement” as the company's core value.
2006年新年工作会,中国移动明确将核心价值观确定为“正德厚生、臻于至善”。 |
Inthelastdecade or so, the number of Chinese telephone users has increased in a “rolling snowball” fashion.
十几年来,我国电话用户规模以“滚雪球”之势迅猛扩张。 |
Inthelastdecade or so, the number of Chinese telephone users has ncreased in a “rolling snowball” fashion.
十几年来,我国电话用户规模以“滚雪球”之势迅猛扩张。 |