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As is apt to be the case when a person stands out in any prominence before the community, and, at the same time, interferes neither with public nor individual interests and convenience, a species of general regard had ultimately grown up in reference to H

As involving every aspect of ethnic psychology, ethnic group identity becomes its core. 族群认同涉及到民族心理学研究的方方面面,成为民族心理学研究的核心问题。
As iron bacteria have been paid more attention, their application has changed greatly. 摘要随着人们对铁细菌认识的突破,其应用也发生了巨大的变化。
As is Taiwanese custom, Wang and his wife live with his parents, in the same small Tainan City home he was raised in, during the off-season. 依照著台湾的传统文化,小王和小王老婆在非球季时,还是像以前一样和父母住在他从小长大的台南小小的家中。
As is Your name, O God, So is Your praise to the ends of the earth; Your right hand is full of righteousness. 诗48:10神阿、你受的赞美、正与你的名相称、直到地极.你的右手满了公义。
As is always true, placement over power. 落点优先于力道,这句话总是真实的。
As is apt to be the case when a person stands out in any prominence before the community, and, at the same time, interferes neither with public nor individual interests and convenience, a species of general regard had ultimately grown up in reference to H 如果一个人在大家面前有着与众不同的特殊地位,而同时又不干涉任何公共或个人的利益和方便,他就最终会赢得普遍的尊重,海丝特·白兰的情况也正是如此除去自私的念头占了上峰、得以表现之外,爱总要比恨来得容易,这正是人类本性之所在。
As is by now well known, the CPN(M) has altered its strategy of a protracted people's war, although the party's goal is still the establishment of a people's republic of Nepal. 现在众所周知,尼泊尔共产党(毛主义)已经改变了持久人民战争的战略,但是党的目标依旧是建立一个尼泊尔人民共和国。
As is considered in this paper,none of the ever existing long wave theories can totally describe or correctly explain the chronic fluctuating characters of the capitalist world economy system since the year 1857. 本文认为,以往的经济长波理论都不能对1857年以来世界资本主义经济体系的长期性波动特征进行完整描述或给予正确解释。
As is fitting for a company built largely upon type, type is a reoccuring theme in the decor. 投影在眼前的是一副非常合适的标志,把整个舞台主题衬托得很完美.
As is known man is the product of labour. 正如我们所知,人是劳动的产物。
As is known the development of education relies on the quality of the teachers, so the Manchurian government pays a great attention to the in-post teacher education for the sake of the slavery education. 办教育首先要有师资队伍,因而日伪当局把教师的素质看成是推行奴化教育的关键。

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