A computer or typesetting function that is limited by the speed or processing characteristics of the equipment with which it is associated.
中义电脑或排字机的功能受限设备的速度或和所连接的设备的特性。 |
A computer program for compressing and decompressing files. See ZIP.
计算机程序为压缩和解压缩文件。 |
A computer program is, for instance, sometimes used to recommend whether the horrors of chemotherapy are likely to outweigh its blessings.
例如,在决定化疗造成的恐惧心理有无可能给治疗带来适得其反的影响时就用到了计算机程序。 |
A computer program or set of programs used in a particular application, such as payroll /personnel package, scientific subroutines package,etc.
用于某一具体应用的一个或一组计算机程序,如职员工资软件包,科学计算子程序软件包等。 |
A computer program providing services from a web server.
提供服务器服务的计算机程序。 |
A computer program running on a web server, translating domain names into IP addresses.
在网络服务器上运行的计算机程序,它可以将域名转化为IP地址。 |
A computer program that can harm a computer by displaying messages, deleting files, or even destroying the computer's operating system.
通过显示信息、删除文件或破坏计算机操作系统来损害计算机的恶意程序。 |
A computer program that effects some final computation or organization.
实现某些最终计算或组织工作的一种计算机程序。 |
A computer program that enables a user to connect to IRC.
可以使用户连接到在线聊天系统的计算机程序。 |
A computer program that requests a service from a web server.
向网络服务器请求服务的计算机程序。 |
A computer programming language widely used on microcomputers.
C语言广泛用于小型电脑的计算机程式设计语言 |