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An effective micromachining process is developed to improve the reliability of the metal wire in the multi-sensor and to avoid adhesion between the PYREX glass and silicon mass in the process of anodic bonding.

An effective democracy holds regular elections. 有效的民主制度定期举行选举。
An effective guaranty of stable quality of linen/cotton blended yarn can be achieved by properly choosing of raw material, fully mixing of the fibers in scutching, carding and drawing, taking quality-improving related measures on the equipment, using reas 通过加大对原料的挑拣力度,在清梳并工序充分混合,设备上采取相应改进措施,选择合理的工艺及流程,加强运转管理,控制好各工序温湿度,能有效保证亚麻/棉混纺纱的质量稳定。
An effective intelligent monitor and control system for broadcasting are introduced. 结合一些具体产品介绍了一种有效的智能广播监控系统。
An effective macro-theory for learning mathematics in university is given. 摘要论述了一套有效的宏观数学学习理论。
An effective method for steel number extraction and segmentation under complex background is presented in this paper. 摘要提出了一种复杂背景下多钢块图像编号的提取和分割方法。
An effective micromachining process is developed to improve the reliability of the metal wire in the multi-sensor and to avoid adhesion between the PYREX glass and silicon mass in the process of anodic bonding. 针对芯片上各电阻间金属引线的可靠性问题和加速度传感器质量块吸附问题提出了有效的改进方法。
An effective technique delivered at the same time that the end of the bout is signalled, is considered valid. 时间到的同时做出有效的攻击技术,是认为得分有效。
An efficiency expert on loan from the main office. 从总公司借调的一个效率专家
An efficiency variance reveals the effect on total cost of using more or less input than the quantity allowed by the flexible bud-get for actual output. 效率差异反映了相对于实际生产所发生的投入量多余或少于弹性预算的规定量时总成本的变化情况。
An efficient and effective hiring process requires three things: a clear and effective job description, a reliable means of sourcing candidates and a quick evaluation process. 一个有效的招聘程序需要具备三点:一个明晰具体的工作描述,一个搜索候选人的可靠途径和一个快速的评估过程。
An efficient examination and approval center is set up where applications are handled at one location, projects examined and approved on the same floor, and fees collected at one counter. “One card is enough” is carried for foreign investors. 工业区奉行“企业内的事情企业办,企业外的事情我们办”的服务宗旨,极力为投资者提供高效、快捷的优质服务。

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