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Garcia Marquez has called him the “best Latin American writer in the English language”.

Garbage from food can be changed into fertilizer. But first you have to fish out all the glass and metal. 食物垃圾可以变成肥料,但首先你得检出所有的玻璃和金属。
Garbage is one of the important factors that cause environmental pollution. 垃圾是造成环境污染的一个重要因素。
Garbage pollutes our rivers and lakes. 垃圾污染我们的河川湖泊.
Garbage,dejection and rot materials active and reproductive place forfiics.Theirlittle bodies could take a lot of bacteria and pollute your food dishware at any moment,and you are harmed unconsciously by these bacteria weapon. 人类最惟恐避之不及的地方(垃圾、粪便、腐烂物)却是它们活动繁殖的乐园,它们小小的个体可能携带着世界上种类、数量最多的细菌,随着寻找您的食物和餐具“空投”他们的致命炸弹,让你不知不觉中了细菌武器的伤害。
Garcia ML,Herreras JM,Dios E,et al.Evaluation of lectin staining in the diagnosis of fungal keratitis in an experimental rabbit model[J].Mol Vis.2002 25;8:10-6. 谢立信,李绍伟,史伟云,等.共焦显微镜在真菌性角膜炎临床诊断中的应用[J].中华眼科杂志.1999;35:7-9.
Garcia Marquez has called him the “best Latin American writer in the English language”. 加西亚·马奎兹称他为“用英语写作的最出色的拉丁美洲作家”。
Garcia kisses his golf ball after holing out for eagle on the second shot seventh hole during the final round. 亲爱的,啵一个!(加西亚在第七洞第二杆直接将小球击入洞,抓下一只“老鹰”,逐步缩小了与领先者的差距。)
Gardeners were encouraged to submit anything “from two legged carrots to corkscrew runner beans, which often taste great but are rejected because of their looks”. 园丁们被鼓励提交「从两腿形状的胡萝卜到螺旋状菜豆」等各种奇形怪状的蔬菜,这些蔬菜往往味美,但因其外观而被拒。
Gardening and fishing can be enjoyable. (园艺和钓鱼可算是愉快的活动。)
Gardening claims much of my time in the summer. 夏天园艺工作占去我大量时间。
Gardening is a cooperative affair. 园艺是一个协力的事务。

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