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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.

We hold that discoursal coherence is also realized by some deep/implicit cohesive ties and that the cognitive principles like iconicity, cognitive metaphor and cognitive metonymy have a great bearing on the construction of discoursal coherence in such a d 本文作者认为,语篇的连贯性远不止表现在这些方面,同时还受到深层/隐性的衔接方式的制约,主张象似性、认知隐喻扣认知转喻等主要认知原则制约着语言运用的深层次连贯性,或者说,是实现语篇连贯的重要的深层/隐性衔接手段。
We hold that endogenesis and expansion should not be separated but combined to form an industry pattern with endogenesis as its core and expansion its general direction. 在内生与扩散的博弈中逐步形成内生为核、扩散为体的产业格局。
We hold that “good” means “meeting the demand while doing no harm to the health”. 我们认为:“既要满足需求、又能不损健康”才是“好”。
We hold the goods at your disposition. 我们保留货物等候你们处置。
We hold the seminar of IELTS Test on 9th June, 2006. 2006年6月9日,我公司举行了雅思考试的讲座。
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. 我们认为这些真理是不可理喻的,人生来就是平等的。
We hold together, struggle, exploit, innovate and go with the time. “为宗旨,团结拼搏,众志成城,与时俱进,开拓进取,保持着良好的快速发展态势。
We hold up our left hand and point our thumb in the positive direction of the axis of rotation. 我们握住自己的左手并且将自己的右手拇指朝向正旋转轴方向。
We hold up the slogan of “quality prospers company, reputation first, follow the contract, serve with sincerity”, develop and expand the spirit of “organize up and be practical, hard working, trust in ourselves and reward the society”, we will always take 本公司将秉承质量兴企、信誉第一、信守合同、真诚服务的企业宗旨,努力弘扬团结务实、勤奋奉献、自强不息、回馈社会的企业精神,将一如既往竭诚为业主服务,为业主提供优良的建筑工程。
We holds a lead of about seven-thousand votes, out of more than two-million ballots cast. 在维吉尼亚州的两百多万张选票中,韦布领先艾伦大约七千票。
We honored the check as the overdraft was only 5 yuan. 我们承兑这张支票的透支额只有5元。

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