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Robert says you have tamed Boanerges.

Robert is not as old as he looks. 罗伯特没有他看上去那么高。
Robert is said to have studied abroad, but I don't know what country he studied in. 据说罗伯特曾经在外国读书,但是我不知道他是在哪个国家读的。
Robert quipped:'Cos they don't like who they are and they want to be someone else. 罗伯特诙谐地说:因为它们不喜欢自己的样子,想要变成另外的样子。
Robert received a brittle reception there. 罗伯特在那里受到冷淡的接待。
Robert said his climb up the 47 floor high-rise building was to protest what he calls a completely illegal war. 罗伯特说他攀登这幢47层高的建筑物是为了抗议他称之为“完全非法的战争”。
Robert says you have tamed Boanerges. 王后:罗伯特说你已经驯服了布讷计斯。
Robert swears he will love me for ever and ever. 罗伯特发誓他将永远爱我。
Robert told reporters as he was being whisked away by police that he did not understand the reason for his detention. 贺伯在遭警方迅速带走时告诉记者,他不了解自己为何会被拘留。
Robert transplanted the peony into a larger pot. 罗伯特把那株牡丹移栽到一个大一些的花盆里。
Robert was also a key member of the record-breaking Invinciblesside that went 49 games unbeaten. 同时他也是阿森纳四十九场不败的关键球员。
Robert was just about toe shine as well. 这个角色终于要好好表现出他存在的意义了吗?

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