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Excellent! You look really cocky today.

Excellent water resistance and good anticorrosive property. 防水性能优异防腐蚀性好。
Excellent wear&impact resistance, suitable for high speed stamping press. It's the unique material of punch dies. 此牌号具有量好的抗弯性能,用于高速冲床,制作冲压模具专用牌号。
Excellent written and spoken English essential. 出色的英文读写能力。
Excellent written and verbal communication skills. 优秀的书面和和口头沟通技能。
Excellent! This record has been preserved, you can continue processing or end it. 太棒了,本次录音已经保存,您可以选择继续处理或者结束本次录音.
Excellent! You look really cocky today. 好耶!你今天看起来真神气。
Excellent!the Price exclaimed, Your technique is faultless! 太精彩了!你的技巧已经无可挑剔了。
Excellent, everything is transpiring as the Awareness has foreseen. 好极了,每件事都按照“意识”预知的进行。
Excellent. I've put sandwiches,salad,and toast in the basket. 很好.三明治、沙拉跟土司面包都已经放进篮子里了。
Excellent: Slight detectable change in color or gloss but no change in function or life of the surface. 优秀:在颜色与光泽方面有轻微可察觉的改变,但对材料表面的功能与寿命无影响。
Excelsior craft is the characteristic of KINOCADI products. 精雕细琢的工艺是金诺卡迪晾衣架的显著特征。

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