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Joan: Maybe, but I couldn't work for you. You are too much of a jackal. I could never trust you.

Joan: I'd rather stop working from home and come back to the office! 琼:我宁愿不在家里办公了,回到办公室来!
Joan: I'll be in on Monday. For the rest of the week, I will be telecommuting. 琼:星期一我在。本周其他的时间我要远程办公。
Joan: It was OK, but the guy was just too direct for me. 琼:还行,只是那个家伙对我太直率了。
Joan: It was fantastic. I learned so many new things and made heaps of new friends. 琼:非常棒!我学到了好多新事物,并交了一大堆新朋友。
Joan: Maybe we should think more carefully about the type of food that we eat at lunch then. 简:也许我们应该更加仔细地考虑午饭应该吃什么食物。
Joan: Maybe, but I couldn't work for you. You are too much of a jackal. I could never trust you. 琼:也许吧,可我不能为你工作。你太刁滑了,我永远都不能信任你。
Joan: No, it's my turn to put the coffee, sugar and creamer this week. 简:不,这周轮到我放咖啡、糖和奶末。
Joan: No. The bouncer said that we were not dressed properly. 琼:没有,保安说我们衣着不整。
Joan: Not really. It is my mother who is wonderful. She gave me life and brought me up very well. 琼:不是的。是我妈妈伟大,她给了生命又悉心把我抚养成人。
Joan: Nothing yet! By this time I thought that he was a really nice guy. 琼:还没有!到那时为止我觉得他是个很不错的家伙。
Joan: Nowadays you would walk over hot coals to slow-dance with a cutie. 琼:现在就算是赴汤蹈火你也会去跟一位可爱的女孩子跳舞。

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