The Chinese authorities are not usually known for their tolerance of large unofficial gatherings.
中国当局一般被认为不会容忍这么大规模的非官方聚会。 |
The Chinese authorities say it's too soon to bring in a tax on fuel, although they hope to introduce one in the future.
中国官方表示尽管未来有推行燃油税的可能,但目前还为时过早。 |
The Chinese baptismal class begins on April, please register with Pastor Shu.
中文部的浸礼习道班四月份开班﹐请向许蓁蓁牧师报名。 |
The Chinese called it a “managed floating exchange-rate regime”, which may well imply more management than floating.
中国人称之为“有管理的浮动汇率管制”,这也许意味着更多的“管理”而非“浮动”。 |
The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to social harmony, unity and mutual assistance.
中华文明历来注重社会和谐,强调团结互助。 |
The Chinese classic poems had impacted much upon the poetic composition of the imaginary school that dominated the field of poetry in both America and British in the early 20th century.
摘要中国古典诗歌对20世纪初在英美诗坛盛极一时的意象派诗歌创作曾产生了深刻影响。 |
The Chinese classie poetry included full and profound philosophic theory as well as deep thought of the two, increases the life force of poetry.
摘要在中国古典诗歌中,既包涵著丰富深刻的哲理,也蕴含著发人深省的禅意,二者相融相通,增强了诗歌的生命力。 |
The Chinese coal mine workers of modern times grew from the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and, besides having the common features with the ordinary proletariat, it had the following features: especially long working time, bad working conditions,
摘要近代中国煤矿工人生长在半殖民地半封建社会,它除了具有一般无产阶级的共同特点之外,还具有劳动时间特别长、劳动条件恶劣、生活待遇相当差、社会地位低下、与广大农民有着天然的联系等特点。 |
The Chinese common law mainly existed in the rule of li(politeness), and it was characterized by its patriarchal and national essence.
摘要中国古代的习惯法主要存在于“礼”中,且具有宗族性和民族性的特点。 |
The Chinese company had the ship towed to Guangdong Province, where it planned to convert the ship into a floating museum.
中船公司已被拖往广东省并计划把它变成一个浮动船博物馆. |
The Chinese company would carry out the dredging and the actual creation of the island.
这家华人公司将进行疏浚以及实际造岛的工作。 |