Quite interesting little game! Utilize a magical machine, piece together out one MM by oneself, the result is Xishi on earth, the dinosaur? Oh, see your agility and tactics, try!
相当有趣的小游戏哦!利用一个神奇的机器,自己拼凑出一个MM来,究竟结果是西施,还是恐龙?呵呵,就看你的敏捷和手法咯,试试看吧! |
Quite literally, they find each other's presence repulsive.
它们实实在在互相排斥。 |
Quite obviously , immediate action is needed to extricate 80 million Chinese people from the gri of poverty in order to remove the danger of social unrest and e ure continuing stability .
很明显,需要立即采取行动使八千万中国人摆脱贫困,从而消除社会动荡的危险,确保持续的稳定。 |
Quite obviously , immediate action is needed to extricate 80 million Chinese people from the grips of poverty in order to remove the danger of social unrest and ensure continuing stability .
很明显,需要立即采取行动使八千万中国人摆脱贫困,从而消除社会动荡的危险,确保持续的稳定。 |
Quite obviously family planning has so far macle little progress.
非常明显,计划生育至今为止几乎没有得到什么进展。 |
Quite often he starts up a successful business which grows to such a size that his entrepreneurial style of management is no longer the best and he has to resign if the company is to survive.
常常发生这样的情况:一个企业家开办的公司获得成功,规模越来越大,而此时他的管理风格相形见绌,如果要使公司生存下去,他只有辞职。 |
Quite often he will be playing correct position defense - seeing his man and the ball - and will simply watch as the ball moves back to his man instead of doing anything to make that a difficult pass.
他总是站在被防守球员和篮筐之间,而忽视了阻挡球到被防守球员之间的线路,所以多数时候他眼睁睁看着球很顺利的被传到他防守的球员手上而没有上前进行干扰。 |
Quite often these things cannot be easily performed on paranormal and metaphysical phenomena.
相当频繁地,这些并不能被容易地运用于超常和形上学的现象。 |
Quite often we do things on impulse.
我们做事往往很冲动。 |
Quite often we have to play host to them though it is their home territory.
尽管是在他们的地盘上,我们还是得常常做东。 |
Quite often we have to play host to them though it's their home ground.
虽然这不是我们的地方但我们得经常客串主人。 |