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I am out of position to pass this exam.

I am optimistic and hopeful that the next round of talk will witness[/b] a permanent cease-fire in the Middle East. 在下一轮的会谈中,我们将宣布中东地区永久停火协议,对此我抱有乐观态度并充满希望。
I am optimistic and self-confident, also an easy-going. I am doing well in working with the supervisors assigned ,complete the tasks perfectly as the supervisors requested. 我开朗,自信,有很好的亲和力,在工作中能很好的配合上司,完成上司分配的任务。
I am ordinary person who a kindness, docile, to living alive with love, sincerity, the personality is bright, liking to travel. 我是一位仁慈、善良、对生活充满爱,真诚,性格开朗,喜欢旅游的平凡人。
I am out of exhaustion after off duty every day . 每天下了班,我都筋疲力尽。
I am out of patience with you. 我再也忍受不了你了。
I am out of position to pass this exam. 我担心自己能力不够,不能通过这次考试。
I am out of spirits and don't want to speak to anyone. 我心情愁闷, 不想和任何人讲话。
I am out of spirits and don't want to speak to anyone. 我心情愁闷,不想和任何人讲话。
I am overwhelmed by confidence. 我太过自信了。
I am owed and savor the halcyon times. 太平时光是我应得的,我要尽情享受。
I am owed£500 in back pay. 欠我五百英镑的工资。

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