The text-perspective study of the two languages reveals the relativity of hypotaxis and parataxis: that is, while English is featured by hypotaxis and Chinese by parataxis, it does not mean that parataxis is totally excluded from English or hypotaxis is a |
中文意思: 从语篇的角度考察汉英语言意合和形合,揭示了形合与意合的相对性:英语重形合,汉语重意合,但并不意味着英语完全不使用意合或汉语一概排斥形合。 |
The text type theory, which is an important breakthrough and a significant complement of the traditional translation Equivalence Principle, is based on the divisions of text functions.
摘要文本类型理论建立在以文本功能为划分标准的基础之上,是对传统翻译等值观的一个重要突破和重要补充。 |
The text we care about may contain configuration data, commands to control or define processes, documents for human consumption, or even tabular data.
我们所关心的包含了结构数据控制命令和定义处理,甚至是制表符。 |
The text will appear alongside the map key, so if you enter notes, make sure that the Key box on the Generalpage of the dialog is checked.
这段文本将出现在“图注栏”的旁边,因此在你要输入注释的时候,首先要确认“常规”选项中的“图注框”已被钩选。 |
The text will be reformatted every time the user resizes his window.
文档随着窗口的变化而变化。 |
The text will not wrap, so the text will appear on only one line.
这些文字不会换行,所以它们只会出现在一行里。 |
The text-perspective study of the two languages reveals the relativity of hypotaxis and parataxis: that is, while English is featured by hypotaxis and Chinese by parataxis, it does not mean that parataxis is totally excluded from English or hypotaxis is a
从语篇的角度考察汉英语言意合和形合,揭示了形合与意合的相对性:英语重形合,汉语重意合,但并不意味着英语完全不使用意合或汉语一概排斥形合。 |
The textbook is compiled for the Chinese undergraduate compulsory course of Selective Reading of Ancient Literature for foreign students.
本书是为中文系本科留学生编写的基础必修课“古文选读”课编写的教材。 |
The textbook is no longer in use.
这种教材不再用了. |
The textbook materials reform should be based on training target, strengthen the applications of curriculum, make full use of modern technology to achieve a variety of media, increase flexibility in teaching materials and build platforms for students.
教材的改革应立足培养目标,强化课程应用性,充分利用现代技术手段,实现多种媒体一体化,增大教材弹性,为学生发展构建平台。 |
The textbook of ENGLISH-CHINESE TRANSLATION FOR INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS published by HIGH EDUCATION PRESS turns out to be a textbook of a low quality for its theory contrary to its versions, for its lack of business knowledge, for its misunderstanding and
摘要高等教育出版社出版的《商务英语翻译》一书无论从商务文体的角度,还是从原语理解与译语表达的角度都是一部令人堪忧的作品,教材本身阐述的商务英语翻译理论与其提供的译例相悖。 |
The textbook strongly proves the cruel and inhuman military invasion of China by Japanese Imperialism in the Second World War.
这部军用中国语教科书有力地证明了二战期间日本帝国主义对中国所进行的惨无人道的军事侵略。 |