Your expense account should not be used to buy personal things or take your friends to lunch. Only use the expense account when it will benefit the company, not yourself.
你的费用帐不应该用于购买私人物品或请朋友吃午餐。只能用在公司受益的情况下,而不是你自己受益。 |
Your experience in this field make us believe that you can be a good agent.
我们已决定委托贵方做为我们在纽约的独家代理。 |
Your experience of history, of the days of your life, is invisibly formed by those ideas that exist in the imagination only, and then are projected upon the physical world.
你所经历的历史,你过去的岁月,只是由那些存在于你想象中的念头所无形地形成,而后投射到物质世界。 |
Your experiences help to enable life lessons.
你的经验帮助你能够进行生活课程。 |
Your explain can held the water .
你的解释滴水不漏。 |
Your explaination is so comprehensive.
你的解释滴水不漏。 |
Your explanation does not so much enlighten us as confuse us.
你的解释没有起到启发作用,反而把我们弄糊涂了。 |
Your explanation is as clear as mud.
你的解释一点都不清晰。 |
Your explanation is just perfect.
你的解释滴水不漏。 |
Your explanation is perfect enough.
你的解释滴水不漏。 |
Your explanation is so perfect that leak nothing.
你的解释滴水不漏。 |