Under the reality conditions, the occurrence probability of event shows fuzzy and random, the fuzzy number is inducted into the causality diagram in this paper, and it can solve the difficulty of obtaining the precision probability value as well as solve
针对实际情况事件发生概率具有模糊性和不确定性的特点,文章将模糊数引入因果图中,解决了获取事件发生概率精确值的难度,又使因果图能处理带模糊性和不确定性的问题。 |
Under the regulation on rural finance, the normal effects of rural financial system are distorted and the function of effectively allocating economic resource is restricted, which is the crux that for what reason the long-time rural financial reform fails
在国家对农村金融的管制之下,农村金融体系正常的金融功能被异化,这正是多年来的农村金融改革之所以没有产生预期效果的要害。 |
Under the relocation plan, Shougang is to cut annual steel output from its Beijing plant by 4m tonnes this year and will stop production altogether in the capital by 2010.
作为中国历史最为悠久的钢铁厂,首钢一直因其每年排放逾1.8万吨可吸入颗粒物而遭到谴责,但该公司已开始将其炼炉和工厂迁至河北省的新厂址。 |
Under the right circumstances, the very sight of a Garou is enough to conjure primal memories of fear and bloodshed.
在这样的情况下,对狼人的记忆只是原初人类对恐惧和流血的自行想象。 |
Under the rubric personality, Anthony is described as humble and private, you view the world through a dreamy and reflective le .
在红色的名字下面,还有一段这样的描述“你谦逊而低调,你用一种平和而爱思考的心态对待这个世界”。 |
Under the rubric personality, Anthony is described as humble and private, you view the world through a dreamy and reflective lens.
在红色的名字下面,还有一段这样的描述“你谦逊而低调,你用一种平和而爱思考的心态对待这个世界”。 |
Under the rules of the game, you really never know. You have to take a chance!
在这个游戏规则下,你真的永远不会预知结果。你只能去碰运气! |
Under the same final fineness and power, the capacity of XZM Ultrafine mill can be improved 40%, while the consumption reduced greatly, compared with jet mill and mixing mill.
在成品细度及电动机功率相同的情况下,XZM中速微粉磨比气流磨与搅拌磨的产量高40%,而其系统能耗仅为气流磨的三分之一。 |
Under the scheme,put together by a cross-agency task force set up by NIH director Elias Zerhouni,the institutes will focus on behavioural and environmental approaches to modifying lifestyle.
根据国家卫生研究院主任伊莱亚斯·泽鲁尼组织的跨部门特别工作组提出的这项计划,国家卫生研究院将集中研究通过行为和环境方法来改变生活方式。 |
Under the setting of both Nietzsche and Heidegger's criticism of metaphysics, the thesis is intended to discuss the double problem-the structure of metaphysics, namely the transcendent questioning with a ontological approach and the transcendental questio
摘要本文主要以尼采和海德格尔的形而上学批判为背景,从形而上学的问题提法入手讨论形而上学的双重问题结构,即存在学路向的先验追问与神学路向的超验追问。 |
Under the sexual arena of earthly delight alert the deadly pit of socks.
在享受尘世的性爱的时候,别忘了致命的袜子一事。 |