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I watched by his bedside.

I watched TV until 11 yesterday. 我昨天看电视一直看到十一点。
I watched TV while (I was) eating. 我当时边吃边看电视。
I watched Ur daily fight. 我看着你每天与病魔搏斗。
I watched a program about farming. 我看了一个有关农业的节目。
I watched all the glasses that were on the table fall off onto the floor . 我看到了所有桌子上的杯子掉到了地板上。
I watched by his bedside. 我在他床边守护。
I watched her disappear from my eyes from far away. 我看着她直到她远远地在我的视野里消失。
I watched her grow from infant to toddler, and I no longer seemed to care that my husband was getting busier and spending less time at home. 看着她从嗷嗷待哺到跌跌撞撞地学走路,我好像已不再在乎丈夫越来越忙,在家的时间越来越短。
I watched him put on his coat. 我看着他穿上衣服。
I watched in amazement through a slightly opened door as he prayed feelingly to Radha and Krsna. 我通过狭小的门缝惊讶的看着他充满感情地向茹阿达和奎师那祈祷。
I watched it on Sky and they kept saying that Liverpool bossed the first-half and were the better team. Today's papers say the same. Rubbish! 我是在“天空体育”上看的比赛,解说员不停的在说利物浦主宰了上半场比赛,他们比米兰要好。今天的报纸也是同一口径。垃圾!

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