If I can't say yes to any of these, I will probably never get back to it.
如果我不能对这几个问题作出肯定的回答,我将永远不会再回过头来处理这封邮件。 |
If I can't, I won't stand out, but if I can, why not?
我不行,我就不上;但如果我行,为什麽不给自己一个机会? |
If I cannot catch “the sound of noise of rain”* long before the rain falls, and, going to some hilltop of the spirit, as near to my God as I can, have not faith to wait there with my face between my knees, though six times or sixty times I am told “there
若我不能远在雨还没有下之前,听见「多雨的响声」,并上到树龄的峰顶,紧紧地贴近神跟前;若我没有足够信心在那里等待,将脸伏在两膝之中,纵然别人六次或甚至六十次向我报告「看不到什么」,直到最后才说「看见有一小片云从海里上来」,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。 |
If I cannot catch ”the sound of noise of rain”(1 Kings 18:41 margin) long befor the rain falls, and, going to some hilltop of the spirit, as near to my God as I can, have not faith to wait there with my face between my knees, though six times or sixty tim
若我不能远在雨还没有下之前,听见“多雨的响声”(参列王纪上十八41),并上到属灵的顶峰,紧紧地贴近神跟前;若我没有足够的信心在那里等待,将脸伏在两膝之中,纵然别人六次或甚至六十次向我报告“看不到什么”,直到最后才说“看见有一小片云从海里上来”,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。 |
If I cannot find you, I will look up to the sun(Do you believe, do you believe?
倘若我无法找到你,我会抬头寻往太阳(你相信吗,相信吗? |
If I cannot overwhelm with my quality, I will overwhelm with my quantity.
如果我不能以质量压倒,我就一定要以数量压倒。 |
If I cannot speak, he will speak for me; if I cannot pray, he will pray.
如果我不能说话,他会为我说话,如果我不能祷告,他会为我祷告。 |
If I catch a student cheating or committing plagiarism, you will fail the course and may be subject to dismissal or further discipline.
这方面我是很重视的,如果你有任何抄袭现象,你会立刻被当掉,而且不能补救。 |
If I catch him, I’m gonna wring his neck!
我要是抓住他,就扭断他的脖子! |
If I catch you in my garden again I'll tan your hide.
要是再让我在花园里抓住你,我就要揍你了。 |
If I choose not to have reconstruction, how good are currently available breast prostheses?
如果我选择不做乳房重建手术,日前使用义乳的情形如何? |