Be positive. Make it clear that you are knowledgeable and enthusiastic about your subject.
使你看起来“活力四射”。要让众人知道你是这方面的专家,让他们感觉你的演说富有激情。 |
Be precise in your communications to avoid any misunderstandings and arguments.
沟通工作一定要做到位以避免误解和争论。 |
Be predominate equipment maintenance management and technical guidance,ensure workshop equipment in a good working state.
全面负责和掌握车间设备的维护、保养及技术指导工作,保证车间加工设备运转良好。 |
Be prepared for all the glitz and glamour of a Hollywood tribute, honoring your favorite Disney films.
精彩的歌声舞影,标志著荷李活的璀璨光芒,与您重温迪士尼经典动画电影。 |
Be prepared for anything to happen.
准备好对付任何可能发生的事件。 |
Be prepared for severe and changeable weather and ensure that your equipment and clothing meet Antarctic standards. Remember that the Antarctic environment is inhospitable, unpredictable, and potentially dangerous.
简而言之,就是做好自己本份,做足往南极的准备才出发。记著你参加的不是甚麽「日本开心豪华游」之类,不要期望领队会像对小孩般对你嘘寒问暖。 |
Be prepared to deal with groups and organizations of greater magnitude.
做好准备处理更大集体的工作。 |
Be prepared to do your chores early.
做好尽早解决自己家务杂事的准备。 |
Be prepared to explain to the customer service representative what's wrong with the item. And remember to take the receipt !
准备好告诉顾客服务处的服务员,你的商品有什麽问题。而且要记得带收据! |
Be prepared to fight for it.
让我们时刻准备着,共同为之奋斗吧。 |
Be prepared to get wet. Grab the handrail tightly when the boat goes up and down.
做好被淋湿的准备。当船体上行或下落时,要紧握扶手。 |