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That peninsula tongues southward into the sea.

That patient is next to death. 那位病人几乎奄奄一息。
That pattern was particularly strong in smokers, the study shows. 研究显示,这种情况在那些吸烟者中尤为明显。
That peak was discovered by big-time skiers. 那高峰是些头号的滑雪家所发现。
That pen you're using looks suspiciously like the one I lost last week. 你正在使用的这支钢笔看上去很可疑,很像我上周丢失的那一支。
That pencil is as long as this one. 那支铅笔与这支铅笔一样长。
That peninsula tongues southward into the sea. 那个半岛呈舌形伸入海中。
That pep talk really helped me boost my self-easteem. 那些鼓励的话真的帮助我提高了我的自尊。
That perception will be reinforced by the election, which returned a notably aged clutch of deputies, many of them chosen at party headquarters in Algiers, to represent a young, frustrated populace. 他们的这些观念又一次在选举中被增强,选举中产生了许多年龄过大的旧日国家部长,其中有许多在首都阿尔及尔的政党总部中直接产生,并代表着阿尔及利亚年轻且丧失斗志的平民阶层。
That perches in the soul and sings the elegy without the words,and never stope. 它栖息在灵魂之中,唱着无词的悲歌,永远不会停息。
That perfect man checklist was put together when you are much younger version of yourself. 完美人清单放在一起,当你很年轻。
That period was when human ancestors may have first started using stone tools to butcher carcasses and so were less reliant on huge mandibles to process tough shells. 可能也是在这段期间,人类始祖首度开始使用石器来切割兽尸,因此较不需要依赖巨大的下颚来咬碎硬壳。

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