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It was the last thing that occurred to the commander that his soldiers would defy/disobey his orders.

It was the judicial authority to enforce, but not to expound, fundamental law and was limited to the concededly unconstitutional act. 司法机关是执行而不是解释基本法,管辖所及也仅限于毫无疑问的违宪行为。
It was the largest ground battle ever depicted in a Star Wars movie to date, with unending legions of clone troopers led into war by heroic Jedi Knights. 它是至今为止星球大战电影中描绘的最大规模的地面战斗:英勇的绝地武士领导着望不到尽头的克隆人军队。
It was the largest palm oil smuggling case in the history of Gongbei customs. #NAME?
It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. 那是一年的最后一天,一大群人聚集在市政厅的大钟下面。
It was the last on the vine. 这是常青藤上的最后一片叶子。
It was the last thing that occurred to the commander that his soldiers would defy/disobey his orders. 指挥官从未想到他的士兵会无视他的命令。
It was the latest brush with humans for the 1-year-old sea lion, called Astro by staffers at the Marine Mammal Center. 这是这头1岁大的海狮最近一次与人类接触,海洋哺乳动物中心的工作中员替他取名为「亚斯卓」。
It was the latest development in the year that's seen massive street protests and general strike which force king Gyanendra to relinquish the absolute power he's seized in early 2005. 近几年来事态的发展是街道上充斥着防御设施和游行示威迫使贾南德拉国王彻底放弃政权,自2005年初他被捕以来.
It was the latest example of a growing phenomenon the Chinese call Internet hunting, in which morality lessons are administered by online throngs and where anonymous Web users come together to investigate others and mete out punishment for offenses real a 这是与日俱增的被中国人称为网络追杀的现象最新的例子,而相关的道德规范由在线集群执行,并且匿名网络用户集中到一起来调查其他人,并通过真实或假想的进攻来给予惩罚.
It was the least I could do. 这是我起码应该做的.
It was the legacy of the famous turnaround of IBM engineered by the previous boss, Lou Gerstner, and described in his book, “Who Says Elephants Can't Dance?” 正如公司前总裁郭士纳在《谁说大象不能跳舞》一书中所描述的,在他一手导演了蓝色巨人著名的绝地大逆转。

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