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In this section, we shall see how surfaces are shaded based on position, orientation, and characteristics of the surfaces and the light sources illuminating them.

In this section you'll find horror and science fiction. 你可以在这一部分找恐怖和科幻小说。
In this section, I'll describe three aspects of error handling: status codes, structured exception handling, and bug checks. 在这种情况下,我要讨论错误处理的三个方面:状态码,结构异常处理和错误检测。
In this section, a comparative assessment of the safety of wastewater reuse is discussed based on work by Asano et al. (1992), and Tanaka et al. (1993) on enteric virus risk assessment. 尽管废水回收和再利用在世界许多国家都有很长的历史,但废水利用的安全问题始终很难界定,(人们)可接受的健康风险情况也始终出于热烈讨论中。
In this section, the meanings, functions and interpretations provided by international trade practices of price terms are to be discussed. 本专题主要将讲述价格术语的含义、作用以及国际贸易惯例关于价格术语的解释。
In this section, we describe some sample uses in the domain of wines. 在本节中,我们会描述使用在葡萄酒领域的一些例子。
In this section, we shall see how surfaces are shaded based on position, orientation, and characteristics of the surfaces and the light sources illuminating them. 在这部分,我们将了解如何获取表面基于位置、方向、表面特性得到的阴影及其光源照明处理。
In this section, we share with you the messages received from the Lord. 在这一段落中,我们将从主领受的一些信息与弟兄姊妹分享。
In this section, we would like to introduce some of them to you. 在这个小节,我们将为您介绍几位正在大叶求学的国际学生。
In this security model, mobile agent uses different itinerary patterns, security policies and reputation management to reduce the risk in e-commerce as much as possible and make the transactions of e-commerce more efficient. 在所研究的安全模型中,移动代理使用不同的访问策略、安全机制以及信用管理措施来尽可能地降低在电子商务环境中所遭受到的风险,同时利用移动特性来提高交易的效率。
In this segment, people from all walks of life will share their interesting thoughts with you. Check it out. 他是谁并不重要,来自各个领域的他或她将与你分享他的人生,他的经历。
In this semester the westerner thinks Chest Orchestra is the best. 这学期西方人认为箱子乐队是最好的乐队.

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