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The challenge of parallelism is becoming a very important challenge, particularly as the clock speed of the microprocessor won't be increasing at the rates that it did in the past.

The challenge occurred in the wake of a whopping $3.6 million fine that the FCC levied in March. 这项挑战发生在今年3月联邦通信委员会征收了360万美元的巨额罚金之后。
The challenge of birth for many primates is that the size of the infant's head is close to the size of that opening. 对许多灵长类而言,生产是个挑战,因为胎儿的头与产道的尺寸十分接近。
The challenge of improving connectivity requires neither gigabit speeds nor gigabyte storage but rather the opposite: dramatic reductions in the cost and complexity of network installation and configuration. 想改善器物之间的连通性,并不需要10亿位元的传输速度,也不需要10亿位元组的储存空间,反而需要克服相反的挑战,也就是大幅降低网路安装与设定的费用与复杂度。
The challenge of life is overcome. 生命的挑战在于克服.
The challenge of life is to overcome. 生命的挑战在于克服。
The challenge of parallelism is becoming a very important challenge, particularly as the clock speed of the microprocessor won't be increasing at the rates that it did in the past. 平行的挑战正在变成非常重要的挑战,特别地当微处理器的时钟速度将会不在以它过去做的比率增加。
The challenge of programming a computer to mimic that proce goes to the core of artificial intelligence, which involves the study of learning and decision-making, strategic thinking, knowledge representation, pattern recognition and perha most intriguingl 要让电脑模仿人那样思考牵涉到人工智能的核心技术,例如要教会电脑如何学习、下结论、战略考虑、知识再现、模式识别,以及也许是最引人注目的技术——直觉认知。
The challenge of programming a computer to mimic that process goes to the core of artificial intelligence, which involves the study of learning and decision-making, strategic thinking, knowledge representation, pattern recognition and perhaps most intrigu 要让电脑模仿人那样思考牵涉到人工智能的核心技术,例如要教会电脑如何学习、下结论、战略考虑、知识再现、模式识别,以及也许是最引人注目的技术——直觉认知。
The challenge of winning an elimination game in San Antonio is more than any other team in the league has been able to accomplish this year, and the Jazz likewise buckled under the pressure. 在圣城赢球比在其他任何球馆赢球都更有意义,而爵士对圣城发起的冲击也就此结束了,而且毫不例外地在压力之下崩了盘。
The challenge, then, is to learn to be firm and assertive without going a step too far and becoming aggressive. 这里,人们所面临的考验是如何做到坚定、果断,而不越雷池一步,变得好斗。
The challenger has been training hard for the big fight. 这位健将为参加拳击大赛夺魁而进行坚苦的锻炼。

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