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The diastase activity degradation,s faster hours is in the air curing ~d,which,is a little lagger than starch content degradation,s faster hours. It's the swing of the pendulum, also associated with leaf moisture change.
淀粉酶活性降幅较快的时间在晾制的 ~ d ,比淀粉含量下降较快的时间稍有滞后 ,它的消长规律还与叶片含水率变化正相关 .

The diameter of the deltoid branch of axillary nerve is . mm in average and . % give branches; . % branches; 腋神经三角肌肌支直径平均为 . mm,有髓纤维数平均为 根, . %的三角肌肌支可再分为 支, . %的三角肌肌支可再分为 支。
The diameter ofanterior tibial recurrent artery was (.±0.)mm(0.8 ̄. mm) at the site of .cm distal to the ori of fibula headbranch. 腓骨头支起始点以远.cm处的胫前返动脉外径为(.±0.)mm(0.8~.mm)。
The diameters of circles of IMP of PF and EF faces of P cells are .0 nm and .0 nm. P细胞质膜PF面的IMP等面积圆直径平均值为.0nm,EF面者为.0nm;
The diameters of seminiferous tubules at , 0,0 and 90 days were 8.,79.9, . and 9 .9 μ respectively,and at 0 days,7 μ. 睾丸曲精细管外径在初生、0、 0、0及90日龄分别为8.,.7,79.9,.,及9 .9微米,0日龄为7微米。
The diameters of seminiferous tubules at O, 0,0 and 90 days of age were μ,7μ,7μ and 09μ respectively,and 9μ at 0 days of age. 睾丸曲精细管外径在初生、 0、0和90日龄分别为μ、7μ、7μ、和09μ,0日龄已达 9μ。
The diastase activity degradation,s faster hours is in the air curing ~d,which,is a little lagger than starch content degradation,s faster hours. It's the swing of the pendulum, also associated with leaf moisture change. 淀粉酶活性降幅较快的时间在晾制的 ~ d ,比淀粉含量下降较快的时间稍有滞后 ,它的消长规律还与叶片含水率变化正相关 .
The die-swell behavior of the PP(polypropylene) filled with HGB(Hollow Glass Bead),namely of the PP/HGB composite,was investigated using a XNR-00A melt flow indexer at 90 to 0℃ with the load of .0 to 8.0kg. 应用XNR-00A型熔体流动速率仪,在90~ 0℃及荷载P为.0~8.0 kg的范围内,考察了中空玻璃微珠(HGB)填充聚丙烯(PP)复合材料的挤出胀大行为. 结果表明,在00℃下,挤出胀大比B随着剪切应力的增加而提高,两者之间大致上呈线性函数关系;
The difference of attack rate of diarrheal diseases was significant before and after behavior meddle in observation group. 观察组实施干预前后腹泻病罹患率差异显著。
The difference of blind rate of single oculus between pre-operation (/) and postoperation (9/) was significant (P<0 0). 手术前 ( 9/ )、及手术后单眼盲目率 ( / )相比较有显著性差异 (P <0 0 )。
The differences of contends of calcium and phosphate among the groups were significant (P<0.0). The group of spongia gelatini was the lowest and that of pBMG-pBMP group was the highest. ALP的活性高峰出现在术后~8天,组间钙、磷含量差异具有高度显著性(P<0.0),明胶海绵组最低,而pBMG-pBMP组含量最高。
The differences were that the reluctation was fervent or sad but stirring or rascal or physical suffering. 只不过,这种留恋幻化成了或慷慨、或悲壮、或无奈、或痛苦的万千世相。

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