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Many politicians like to make waves in order to be kept in the media.

Many pockets for cell phone, digital camera, smoke case and lighter! 很多口袋让腻放手机放相机放打火机!!
Many poems relate to diseases like cough and jaundice, to male and female demons that cause diseases, to sweet-smelling herbs and magic amulets, which drive diseases away. 很多诗都提及到病症,例如咳嗽和黄疸等,男魔和女魔带来了疾病,甜蜜的草药和魔术般的护身符把疾病驱除。
Many poets and artists have drawn their inspiration from nature. 许多诗人和艺术家从大自然中获得他们的灵感。
Many police forces are not divided into neighbourhood units. 很多警察部队并不是按照管辖区域分成几个单位的。
Many politicians are cunning sophists. 许多政客都是狡猾的诡辩家.
Many politicians like to make waves in order to be kept in the media. 许多政客为了能在媒体上路脸儿而不惜哗众取宠。
Many politicians tried to mislead voters during the election. 许多政治人物在选举期间试著误导选民。
Many polygamists moved to Mexico because of the relative liberality of Mexican law. 很多重婚者搬到了墨西哥,因为墨西哥法律对重婚比较宽松。
Many poor children suffer from a deficiency of food. 许多贫穷的小孩遭受食物不足的苦痛。
Many pop tunes are used in dance clubs and sports clubs. 舞厅和健身房中也播放很多流行乐曲。
Many powerful Americans are embracing the ISG for cynical reasons. 许多政客对ISG调查小组抱有幻想是基于愤世嫉俗的思想。

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