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A new perspective on the diversity of Wu De Zhong Shi thoughts in late Wartime period and the development of late Mohism is offered to challenge the existing model of thinking on these issues.

A new patent uses computer keyboards to recharge batteries in notebook computers. 一项新耶专利利用啪字用耶键盘发电倘好乎簿仔电脑充电。
A new pattern of the river pollution control should be established that many branches were cooperated in management and people participated in extensively by perfection of existing management style and annovation of the management system. 完善现有的管理模式,实现管理制度的创新,形成多部门协作管理、广大民众广泛参与的社会化河流污染综合整治管理新模式。
A new pedestrian subway has been built at the eastern side of the station concourse, linking the station to Tsuen Nam Road and the new Public Transport Interchange. 大围站的大堂东面将兴建一条行人隧道,连接村南道及新的公共交通交汇处。
A new pedestrian subway will be built at the southern side of the station, linking it with the existing subway at the junction of Che Kung Mui Road and Sha Tin Tau Road. 车站南面将兴建一条行人隧道,连接现时位于车公庙路及沙田头路交界的行人隧道,车公庙路南面的行人可使用该行人隧道往车站。
A new personal bioaerosol sampler has recently been developed and verified to be very efficient for monitoring of viable airborne bacteria, fungi and viruses. 最近研发一项全新的个人生物气胶采样器,并已验证可以非常有效地监测空气中的细菌、真菌与病毒。
A new perspective on the diversity of Wu De Zhong Shi thoughts in late Wartime period and the development of late Mohism is offered to challenge the existing model of thinking on these issues. 这使得我们有必要对五德终始说在战国后期发展的多向性问题以及后期墨家的思想发展性问题做出新的认识。
A new plant, which will begin production in October this year, is expected to increase Chery's annual capacity by an additional 300,000 cars. 一个新厂将在今年十月开始生产,预计将使奇瑞轿车的年产量增加30万辆。
A new plat will be on at the crown theatre tomorrow. 皇冠剧场明天半上演一出新戏。
A new play is being staged in the Capital Theatre. 一场新戏正在首都剧场上演。
A new policy was boldly conceived. 一项新政策被大胆地构思。
A new political party usually poaches ideas from its rivals. 新政党往往把敌对政党的思想攫为己有。

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