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UN officials want Israel to lift blockade to allow more aid shipments.

UMSU hopes that the activity can raise the consciousness of students to care about disadvantaged minorities. 欢迎同学由即日起至6月17日把已清洗的衣物捐赠到学生中心二楼11号室。
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon arrived here on an unannounced visit to Iraq for talks with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, state television channel reported. 据伊拉克国家电视台报道,联合国秘书长潘基文抵达巴格达宣布对伊拉克进行访问,同总理马利基进行会谈。以下为潘基文抵伊的场景。
UN Session on AIDS: Was It a Success? 34联合国AIDS会议取得成功了吗?
UN is short for the United Nations. UN是联合国的缩略形式。
UN membership for Taiwan is a long-lost cause, and Mr Chen's referendum plan is at heart an electoral ploy ahead of next year's presidential poll. 联合国会籍只是个过时的借口,陈水扁推动公投目的是为来年的大选所做的一种策略。
UN officials want Israel to lift blockade to allow more aid shipments. 联合国官员称,希望以色列解除封锁让以便接收更多的救援物资。
UN peacekeepers are arriving in Lebanon. 联合国维和部队已抵达黎巴嫩。
UN weapons inspectors should include non-lethal weapons and satellite weaponry on their checklists. 联合国武器核查组应把非致命性武器和卫星军备系统包括在检查表里。
UNAIDS.2004 report on the global AIDS epidemic. 中国艾滋病防治联合评估报告.2003.
UNCTAD by itself ca ot make decisio . 联合国贸易和发展委员会自己并不能作决议。
UNCTAD is headquartered in Geneva where it was developed in 1964. 联合国贸易和发展委员会于1964年日内瓦设立总部。

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