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The ship owner should respinsible for the charge of hiring shore crane in case the vessel's derrick were capable/workable for discharging the cargoes.

The ship made port on Monday. 这船星期一到达港口。
The ship made slow progress through the rough sea. 船只在汹涌的大海中缓慢前进。
The ship melted into the darkness. 轮船逐渐隐没在黑暗中.
The ship nosed her way through the winding channel. 船徐徐通过了弯弯曲曲的航道。
The ship nosed its way slowly through the ice. 那艘船缓慢地破冰前进.
The ship owner should respinsible for the charge of hiring shore crane in case the vessel's derrick were capable/workable for discharging the cargoes. 如果船上的起重机能够卸载货物,船主应负责支付租用口岸起重机的费用。
The ship passed the channel. 船驶过了海峡。
The ship pitched and tossed in the rough seas. 轮船在汹涌澎湃的大海中起伏颠簸。
The ship pitched in the storm. 船在风暴中颠簸。
The ship ploughed across the ocean. 轮船在大海上破浪前进。
The ship plowed across the ocean. 轮船在大海上破浪前进。

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