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Abstract: Two new polyhydroxy heptene derivatives, named microcarpin A and microcarpin B, were isolated from Uvaria microcarpa Champ ex Benth.

Abstract The nitric oxide synthase distribution was studied with NOS histochemistry technolo-gy. The results are as follows. There were concertrated NOS positive cell bodies and scat-tered fibrae at the cochlear nucleus. 采用NOS的组织化学技术,研究豚鼠低位听觉径路及血管纹的一氧化氮合酶(nitricoxidesynthase,NOS)的分布,结果发现,在耳蜗核有密集的NOS阳性胞体,阳性纤维散在,阳性胞体主要集中在耳蜗背侧核,腹侧核内阳性反应较少;
Abstract The paper briefs here the performances and applications of home-made FA0,FA0B,FA0,FA0B,FA0 ,FA0,FA,FA,FA,FAA,A8G and A8H cards. 本文简要介绍国产FA0、FA0B、FA0、FA0B、FA0 、FA0、FA、FA、FA、FAA、A8G、A8H型梳棉机的特点及其应用,供选用参考。
Abstract “Clinton scandal” highlighted the U.S. domestic political scene in 998. Moreover, the Republican Party suffered a failure in midterm elections and the House voted to impeach the president. 998年的美国,可说是“克林顿年”。
Abstract: Objective: To understand the morphological differences among the nutlets of Isodon amethystoides, Isodon macrocalyx and Isodon nervosa. 目的 :了解香茶菜 (Isodon amethystoides)、大萼香茶菜 (I.macrocalyx)、显脉香茶菜 (I.nervosa)小坚果表面超微结构的形态差异。
Abstract: Patinopecten yessoensis belongs to phylum Mollusa, class Lamellibranchia, subclass Pterimorphia Pectinidae, genus Mizuhopecten, which was native to Japan and Russa. 虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten(Mizuhopecten)yessoensis)属软体动物门(Mollusa),瓣鳃纲(Lamellibranchia),翼形亚纲(Pterimorphia),珍珠贝目(Pterioida),扇贝科(Pectinidae),虾夷扇贝属(Mizuhopecten)。
Abstract: Two new polyhydroxy heptene derivatives, named microcarpin A and microcarpin B, were isolated from Uvaria microcarpa Champ ex Benth. TWO NEW CONSTITUENTS FROM UVARIA MICROCARPATWONEWCONSTITUENTSFROMUVARIAMICROCARPA¥YuPingLU; QingMU;
AbstractTransglutaminase of keratinocyte(TGK), Filaggrin, Keratin7 and Keratin are important markers of hyperproliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes. 摘要角质形成细胞转谷酰胺酶(Transglutaminase of keratinocyte, TGk)、细丝聚集素(Filaggrin)、角蛋白7(keratin 7)和角蛋白(keratin )是表皮细胞增生分化的重要标志分子。
AbstractWith nine fresh adult cervical spine specimens(C_~T_),the three-dimensional motions of C_(~) segmentwere analvsed to evaluate the immediate stabilitv fol-lowing bilateral facetectomy , Halifax clamp and wirefixation. 在9具新鲜成人颈椎标本(C_ ~T_)上,对双侧7%小关节切除后失稳的C_(~)节段,安放了Halifax椎板夹和棘突钢丝固定,通过脊柱三维运动稳定性评价方法,评价它们重建颈椎稳定性的即刻效果。
Absurd, Ridiculous, and Preposterous ——I Too Would Like to Reevaluate A Q Or Myself 荒诞、荒唐与荒谬——我也要重估阿Q或曰我自己
Abundant vesicles were observed in endothelial cells of larynx lymph vessels,the numerical density and volume density and average diameter of the vesicles were .9±.8/μm ,0.09±0.000,7.±. nm. 内皮细胞内富含质膜小泡,小泡的数密度为 .9±.8个/μm ,体密度为0.09±0.000,平均直径为7.±. nm。
Academic criticism must not only not to rebuke medium criticism but share criticism with media in both division and coordination in an joint endeavor towards the prosperity of criticism in literary and art. 学院批评不但不该责骂媒体批评,反而应该与媒体批评既分工又协作,共同致力于文艺批评的繁荣。

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