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For preventing the resource conflict condition happened, we will calculate really memory space from the specific address minus pci memory resource they need.

For positive chip angles, interrupted cutting and varying-cutting depth. 适合锐角的切削角度、切断操作和变切削深度。
For post cementation, BIS-CORE LIQUID CATALYST must be used instead of the PASTE CATALYST in order to lower the viscosity of the cement. 关于桩的粘结,BIS-CORE液体催化剂可以代替催化糊剂以降低水门汀的粘度。
For post-school education, some are full-time and some part-time. 学校后续教育有些是全职的,有些是业余的。
For powerful ones, it offers a way to influence the Vatican and seek papal approval. 拿破仑对其驻罗马特使说:“要象对待一个支配着20万人的人那样对待教皇。”
For precise measurements, please contact Watts Technical Service. 如果需要准确的尺寸,请与美国瓦茨技术服务部门联系。
For preventing the resource conflict condition happened, we will calculate really memory space from the specific address minus pci memory resource they need. 为了防止资源冲突的状况发生,我们将从需要的最小记忆体位址计算出实际的记忆体空间.
For previously imported Goods, the quoted price shall be distinguishable from the original import value of these Goods declared to customs and shall include any rebate or mark-up of the local agent or representative and all local costs except import dutie 至于先前进口的商品,所报的价应当区别于这些产品最早被顾客所知的进口价格,应当包含任何回扣或者当地代理处的建设费或者代理人及所有当地的开支,已经被购买方负担或者还即将负担的进口税和租金不算在其内。
For printing lines on any regular or irregular shape plastic caps , round and oval, flat, tapered, multi-faced and etc. Please see printed samples, click to see large picture. 用于烫印任何规则或不规则塑料杯(瓶),圆、扁、锥形、多边形等等。请烫印样品,点击可放大。
For product property, please refer to the corresponding series. 产品特性参照对应产品系列。
For productive enterprises occupying the cultivated land ,thirty(30) percent of the tax collections on cultivated land occupancy shall be refunded to the enterprises. 占用耕地的生产性企业,缴纳的耕地占用税按税额的30%奖励给企业。
For products having caused or which may potentially cause quality incidents, the drug regulatory agency of the governments at county level and above shall have the right to check, seal up and detain them together with materials related. 对已经造成医疗器械质量事故或者可能造成医疗器械质量事故的产品及有关资料,县级以上地方人民政府药品监督管理部门可以予以查封、扣押。

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