Pa ionate love is a quenchle thirst.
热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。 |
Pa's had his hands burned.
爸的手给烫伤了。 |
Paavo Nurmi lit the Olympic flame in a cauldron on the field.
4名年轻的运动员将火炬传到体育场塔顶,最后由汉内斯·科莱赫迈宁点燃圣火。 |
Pablo Neruda: Man has no business with the simplicity or complexity of things.
人和那些简单的或者复杂的事物没有任何关系。 |
Pablo Neruda: When you explain poetry, it becomes banal. Better than any explanation is the experience of feelings that poetry can reveal to a nature open enough to understand it.
当你解释诗歌的时候,它就变得很平庸。用经验去感觉诗歌要比任何的解释都好,这样才能发现足够自然地去理解它。 |
Pablo Picasso played a principal role in the early movement of cubism.
帕勃洛·毕加索在立体派早期发展中起首重要的推动作用。 |
Paccard had decided that the date for the ascent was set on 7 August.
帕卡德已经决定了攀登的日期就定在8月7日。 |
Pace Environmental Law Review---
佩斯环境法评论,佩斯大学主办,全文. |
Pace Interactive Earth Law Journal---
佩斯交互式地球法律期刊,佩斯大学主办。 |
Pace celebrates a winning hand. A real aquatic card shark!
佩斯举起双手以示庆祝获胜,他成了“水下扑克牌鲨鱼”。 |
Pace says he does support the Pentagon's don't ask, don't tellpolicy.
他表示他将继续支持美国国防部的“不问、不说”政策。 |