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All night long I can hear the strange sounds of wild birds and animals .

All new damages, Watch wheels fly off opponents cars and come at you seriously damaging your CAR! 所有新的损害,看轮子飞到对手车来时,你将严重损害你的车!
All new students, no matter which day you choose to join us,your first lesson is FREE. 新同学们,不管选择哪一天开始参加,第一课绝对是免费的.
All newbies are offered an individually tailored training and development program by our company. 公司为所有的新人个别量身订做训练及发展规划。
All newspapers and reference books are to be kept in the library. They cannot be signed out. 所有报刊及参考书籍只限在图书馆内阅览。
All night long ...... 漫漫长夜。。。
All night long I can hear the strange sounds of wild birds and animals . 我整夜都听见野生鸟兽发出的奇怪的声音。
All night long he lay awake,thinking of the problem. 他整夜躺在床上睡不着,思考着那个问题。
All night long he turned and tossed in bed. 整整一夜他在床上翻来覆去地睡不着。
All night long on my bed I looked for the one my heart loves; I looked for him but did not find him. 1我夜间躺卧在床上,寻找我心所爱的。我寻找他,却寻不见。
All night long, I dream about sex. 整个晚上,我在梦着性事。
All night we heard the drip drip drip of the rain. 我们一整夜都听到雨水的滴滴答答声。

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