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Each item in the array represents one of the squares on the grid, and its status is recorded as walkable or unwalkable.

Each is identified by a [url=http://boinc.berkeley.edu/server_components.php]master URL[/url], which refers to an XHTML document describing the project. 每个工程都可以通过一个主链接来确认,这个主连接引用了一份描述这个工程的XHTML文档。
Each is identified by a master URL, which refers to an XHTML document describing the project. 每个项目都可以通过一个主网址来确认,这个主网址引用了一份描述这个项目的XHTML文档。
Each is lined with waterproof paper, so that can not be spoiled by dampness or rain. 每个纸箱都内衬防水纸,因而不会被潮湿和雨水侵蚀。
Each is lined with waterproof paper, so that can't be spoiled by dampness or rain. 每个纸箱都内衬防水纸,因而不会受潮和被雨水侵蚀。
Each is lined with waterproof paper, so that it can't be spoiled by dampness or rain. 每个纸箱都有内衬防水纸,因而不会被潮湿和雨水侵蚀。
Each item in the array represents one of the squares on the grid, and its status is recorded as walkable or unwalkable. 数组的每一个项目代表了格子里的一个方块,它的状态记录成可行走和不可行走。
Each item shall be full,exact and written in a clear hand. 本申请单各栏必须填写完整、准确、清晰。
Each iteration consists of all of the standard Waterfall phases, but each iteration only addresses one set of parsed functionality. 每个迭代过程包含所有的标准瀑布式阶段,但每个迭代过程只处理解析过的功能的一个子集。
Each jar is labeled “SELF-ASSEMBLING CLOCK” and holds the jumbled parts of a timepiece. 旁边有五个广口瓶,每个都贴有标签,写著:「正在自我组装的钟」,瓶里堆著一个钟的零件。
Each judge has listed the interactions on each topic in order of humanness. 每一位鉴定人员根据人性化程度的高低,就次列出了进行交谈的各个话题。
Each kind of EMI &EMS facility provide for testing service. 产品EMI电磁干扰&EMS电磁耐受度等相关测试场地的提供与服务。

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