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Both are being displayed at Ancona's Mole Vanvitelliana museum .

Both also suffer from their size. 两方都因规模而处于不利地位。
Both alternatives are presented on the screen. 两种选择都在屏幕上显示出来了。
Both animals are capable of taking down a fully-grown reindeer, but they use different tactics. 为了得到正确答案,他们再次设计了两头机械动物,进行一个虚拟实验来证明一番。
Both animals nodded gravely. THEY knew! 两只动物严肃地点点头。他们明白!
Both are accountable for the success of the task. 这两个个体对于工作的成功都应负相当的责任。
Both are being displayed at Ancona's Mole Vanvitelliana museum . 这两副作品都在安卡内的万威特里亚那博物馆内展出。
Both are being reintroduced this year as newly redesigned 2005 models, mystique very much intact. 在它们今年重新设计的2005款中,它们的个性仍十分鲜明。
Both are capable of great emotional depth, and both occasionally stray into dry intellectuality and sterile self-reference. 它们均能表达深刻的感情,偶尔也会陷入一本正经的理智,以及枯燥乏味的自我指涉。
Both are considered significant factorsaffecting water quality. 这两项活动皆被认为是影响水质的重要因素。
Both are correcting now as always happens in all bull markets. 二者现在都在调整,这是所有牛市中都会出现的。
Both are designed to add gloss and to prolong the life of your wax by safely removing fresh contaminants before they can bond to your finish or corrode your coating of wax. 在污染物损伤漆面或者侵蚀蜡的保护层之前,这两种产品都已填加了上光和延长蜡的寿命的成分,它可安全去除刚刚附着的污染物.

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