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Street photo of Trier. The houses look so nice.

Street lamp lighting:The street lamp illuminates the street lamp and the view street lamps of pass the close by mansions, becoming to have the preface alignment, guiding the view and person to flow, making the business of the bottom building of nighttime 路灯照明:路灯照明通过邻近大楼的路灯和景观路灯,形成有序排列,引导视线和人流,使大楼夜间底楼的商业部分,形成灯光通明的气氛。
Street lamps, which weigh about 250 pounds apiece, have been snatched in both poor and affluent neighborhoods of Baltimore. 不论是在富人区还是在穷人区,巴尔的摩市内的许多电灯杆都被偷了.这些电灯杆每根都重达250磅.
Street light bulbs are changed even when they are working. 尽管路灯没坏,灯泡就该更换了。
Street lighting was dimmed out during the war. 战时街道照明实行半灯火管制。
Street lights seems to blend everything. Night, the grandeur is surreal. Success comes naturally. Full of sights and sounds. Perhaps, I already have everything. 街灯迷蒙了一切,夜,是若离的浮华。成功是那么的理所当然的事情。心口被填的满满的,或许,我终于拥有了所有。
Street photo of Trier. The houses look so nice. 特里尔的街景。这些房子看起来很细致漂亮。
Street vendors are doing a brisk trade in Princess Huanzhu memorabilia - including watches featuring pictures on their dials the heros and heroines and books about Zhao Wei, Lin Xinru and the heartthrob Zhou Jie. 街头小贩销售《还珠格格》纪念品的生意非常红火,包括表盘上帖着男女主角的手表,以及有关赵薇和小帅哥周杰的书籍等。
Streetball is an urban form of basketball originating in the ghettoes of the United States which has become popular worldwide. 街球是在都市开展篮球的一种形式,起源于美国少数民族聚居区,业已风靡全球。
Streetball often features spectacular dunks and alley-oops, flashy dribbling and trash talking. 街球的特色常常在于触目惊心的灌篮和空中接力、花哨的运球以及挑衅语言。
Streetcars rumble down Tokyo's Arakawa tramline. 有轨电车隆隆通过东京荒川区的轨道。
Streets are all the avenues and alleys in cities, which are the primary urban public space holding people daily public life. 摘要“街头”即城市里的大街小巷,是主要的城市公共空间,承载着市民的日常公共生活。

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