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In there they peered out the window fearfully at the ivy vine.

In theory, the increment, liquidity and tradability of capital requests state-owned capital withdraw from the market; From a practical point of view, our government is restricted by the full access to the WTO, which forces the state-owned capital to withd 从理论方面来讲,资本的增值性、流动性、可交易性是国有资本市场退出的内在要求;从现实方面来讲,全面加入WTO对我国政府的约束迫切需要国有资本从市场适时适当退出;从政策上来看,历次中央重大会议都有关于国有经济调整的论述,国有资本市场退出具有政策的保障。
In theory, the nominations are to be decided at conventions by delegates elected in last week's primaries. But in practice, political leaders hand-pick many of the delegates and are expected to have a strong if not absolute say over the nominees. 在理论上,候选人提名是由上周初选中所选出的代表来决定。实际上,政治领袖们亲自遴选许多代表,在候选人提名上,即令没有绝对决定权,也是极具影响力的。
In theory, this maximises the value of the firm. 在理论上,这使得公司价值实现了最大化。
In theory, those two trees do not need to be related. 理论上讲,这两棵树不需要相近。
In thepick-up/H-F state,press”MENU”button to enter submenu,and review, Record and delete allleave words with”up”,”down”button. 在手提/免提状态,按“菜单”+“确认”键进入子菜单。用“上“、”下“键选择查看、录音、全部删除录音。
In there they peered out the window fearfully at the ivy vine. 在那里他们提心吊胆地窥视着窗外的常青藤。
In these altitudes snow never melts. 在这样的高度,雪永不融化。
In these areas, most borrowers—whatever their view may be worth—saw the bank's work as mildly unsatisfactory or worse. 在这些领域,大多数借款方——无论它们的看法是否有道理——认为世行的工作不够令人满意或者更遭。
In these areas, reforms have been impressive. 在这些领域,改革令人印象深刻。
In these brand groups, an important feature is their distinctive signs, eye-catching, so that consumers can distinguish one. 在这些品牌群体中,有一个重要的特征就是他们的标志鲜明,醒目,让消费者一眼可以认出。
In these cases the buyer must accept on faith that the software will perform properly. 在这种情况下,买方必须要接受软件的正确操作的协议。

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