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More than 2,500 Christians - all wearing purple ribbons to signify hope - sang hymns and prayed against the proposal.

More than 25,000 Eimer's organs form the star, although it has a surface area of less than one square centimeter. 这个星鼻的表面积虽然不到一平方公分,却拥有2万5000个以上的艾玛氏器。
More than 250 scientists and researchers have signed a letter protesting a federal proposal to no longer protect grizzly bears in the Yellowstone area under the Endangered Species Act. 美国250余名科学家和研究人员日前签署了一封联名信,信中抗议联邦政府根据《濒危物种法》在黄石国家公园地区不再对灰熊进行保护的一项提案。
More than 26 inches of rain fell in one day! 一天的降雨量超过26英寸!
More than 260 doctors yesterday called on the American authorities at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp to allow detainees to starve themselves to death. 3月9日,来自英国和美国等7个国家的260多名医生呼吁美国关塔那摩监狱管理部门准许在押犯人绝食而死。
More than 2years experience in Maintenance engineering in casting or machining equipment industry. 两年以上铸造或机加设备维护工作经验。
More than 2,500 Christians - all wearing purple ribbons to signify hope - sang hymns and prayed against the proposal. 超过二千五百名基督徒,系上紫丝带象征希望,咏唱圣咏和祈祷,反对二十三条。
More than 3 years experience in technical field with aerospace industry background. 三年以上技术领域工作经验并具有在航空工业工作的背景.
More than 3 years work experience of mechanical engineering. 机械制造3年以上工作经验。
More than 3 years working experience in a Managerial position in 5/4-stars hotel. 具有3年以上4、5星级酒店的管理岗位工作经验。
More than 3 years working experience in the manufacture company, more than 3 year experience related with engineering design machine (Software). Graduate from college, major in mechanical design. 3年以上的在制造业公司里工程设计机械(软件)工作经验,大专毕业,机械设计专业.
More than 3 years working experiences in Electronics industry and sales and marketing experience in selling consumable materials as well as electronic tools including tapes,adhesives, insulation powder, solder pastes, tools, soldering stations, bench type 3年以上电子行业工作背景,有工业耗材及电子工具类产品(如工业胶带、工业胶水、保护膜、焊锡膏、还氧粉、焊台、返修工作台、SMT产品等)销售或市场营销经验者佳。

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