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In this study, Xenopus laevis were exposed to Aroclor at doses(0, 00ng·L-, μg·L-, 0μg·L-, 0μg·L-)from oosperm to completed metamorphosis. The effects of Aroclor on metamorphic development of X. laevis were observed.
为了研究多氯联苯(Aroclor )对非洲爪蟾变态发育的影响,将非洲爪蟾受精卵暴露在一定浓度(0、00ng·L-、μg·L-、0μg·L-、0μg·L-)的Aroclor 中,直至完全变态.

In this series the diseased corneae were painted with carbolic acid or trichloracetic acid following topical anesthesia with 0.% Dicaine and then dressed. The condition of the patients was satisfactory 7~0 days after operation. 本组病例均在%地卡因表面麻醉后应用石炭酸或三氯醋酸擦于病变角膜上皮然后包扎,术后7~0天检查病人,结果满意。
In this series, % (0/0), were thymoma, teratoid tumor . 8% ( 9/0), and neurogenic tumor 0. % ( /0), a total of 70.0%. 本组病例中胸腺肿瘤占%(0/0),其次为畸胎类肿瘤占. 8%( 9/0),占第三位者为神经源肿瘤0. %( /0),三者共占70.0%.
In this study Flander's Interaction Analysis System is used to show the language ratio between students and their instructor in a classroom so as to improve students' language output and reinforce the interaction between students and their instructor. 本研究借助于弗兰德互动分析系统,对英语听说课上师生之间的互动进行分析,就如何提高学生语言比率、增强师生互动提出建议。 将弗兰德互动分析系统应用于听说课程还是一种尝试。
In this study tooth measurements were compiled for 9 individuals from 0 species, including chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus), gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), modern humans (Homo sapiens), and a number of fossil hominins. 本研究汇集了 0 个物种共 9 名个体的牙齿测量结果,测量对象包括黑猩猩(学名 Pan troglodytes)、猩猩(学名Pongo pygmaeus)、大猩猩(学名 Gorilla gorilla)、智人(学名 Homo sapiens),以及许多化石人。
In this study, A total of 08 Gambian women aged -8 years were selected from a large study of investigating calcium and bone metabolism to investigate the relationship between vitamin D status and bone mineral content(BMC) in this rural African population. 本文对08名~8岁冈比亚妇女维生素D水平与骨矿含量(BMC)关系进行了研究。 研究对象选自于一项钙与骨代谢的课题。
In this study, Xenopus laevis were exposed to Aroclor at doses(0, 00ng·L-, μg·L-, 0μg·L-, 0μg·L-)from oosperm to completed metamorphosis. The effects of Aroclor on metamorphic development of X. laevis were observed. 为了研究多氯联苯(Aroclor )对非洲爪蟾变态发育的影响,将非洲爪蟾受精卵暴露在一定浓度(0、00ng·L-、μg·L-、0μg·L-、0μg·L-)的Aroclor 中,直至完全变态.
In this study, reasons and precautions of the high rate of root-fractures in the extraction of teeth for 0 lower impacted third molars with radicis dentis apices of mesial twist (RDAMT) were analyzed by mechanics. 对0颗根尖弯向近中的下颌阻生第三磨牙断根率高的原因和预防进行了分析。
In this system, we do the development combined with the use of Solid Edge, Flash, Dmax and Dream Weaver. 本系统结合Solid Edge、Flash、 Dmax、FrontPage和Dream Weaver MX等软件进行系统的开发。
In this thesis, SAVANT is explored and investigated according to the Savant Specification .0 which worked out by Auto-ID center in 00 September. 本文针对上面的问题,参照00 年9月Auto-ID center制订的关于EPC系统中间件的规范Savant Specification .0,对系统中的中间件做了创新性和探索性的研究。
In this thesis, we report a highly diastereoselective tert-butanesulfinylimine-lithium enolate addition to lead to the formation of N,O-protected-(S_R,R, S)- -phenylisoserine ester 9i (yield 97%, dr>99%). 论文报道了利用锂烯醇与叔丁基亚磺酰胺烯夫碱进行不对称加成反应高效制备紫杉醇直链型侧链前体(S_R,R, S)-N-叔丁基亚磺酰基-O-Boc- -苯基异丝氨酸苄酯9i的方法(收率97%,dr>99%)。
In this thesis,Bubulus bubalis de hong's (swamp type)and murah's(river type) erythrocyte C_ b receptor has been demonstrated for the first time with the RBC C_ b receptor rosette (C_ bRR) and RBC immune complex rosette (ICR) tests. 通过对 例德宏水牛和7例摩拉水牛 C_ bRR 和 ICR 的检测,证实这两种水牛的红细胞具有补体 C_ b 受体.

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