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Backman added; this report only shows the feasibility of detecting the presence of pancreatic cancer by analysis of duodenal tissue.

Background— enous bypass grafts may fail because of deelopment of intimal hyperplasia and accelerated atherosclerosis. 背景内膜的过度增生和动脉粥样硬化加速导致静脉旁路移植失败。
Background:A monument for the General Coco Forest! 描述:背景为西沙将军林纪念碑!
Backing CDs, MIDI files and CD mastering available at very good rates. 支持光碟,MIDI档案和光碟征服可得的以非常好的比率。
Backing layer castable is noted for low heat conductivity,good quality of being a whole part and good erosion resistance to mental steel. 久衬浇注料整体性好、不开裂、导热率较低,且具有一定的抗钢水和铁水侵蚀能力。
Backing with the support from Macau SAR government, a double digit of hotel &casino projects are now in progress. 得到澳门特区政府的大力支持,现正发展中的酒店及赌场项目有十多项。
Backman added; this report only shows the feasibility of detecting the presence of pancreatic cancer by analysis of duodenal tissue. 本文认为,通过分析十二指肠组织,检测胰腺癌有可能。
Backroom card games. 在后房进行的纸牌游戏
Backsberg's full bodied dry red wine. Spicy, chocolate and ripe black berries. Toasted oak flavours and a long satisfying finish. 本酒酒质可靠,黑莓果香浓郁,口感富有橡木香味,饱满。
Backseat – machined bonnet backseat provides back-up stem seal. 后座-经过精密加工的阀盖阀杆衬套实现后座阀杆密封。
Backseat – machined bonnet stem bushing provides back-up stem seal. 后座-经过精密加工的阀盖阀杆衬套实现后座阀杆密封。
Backspace delay lasts about 0.05 seconds. If OFILL is set, one fill character is transmitted. 退格符延迟大约持续0.05秒。如果OFILL设定了,则传送一个填充字符。

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