Shapiro, Jeffrey H. Optical Propagation, Detection, and Communication.(unpublished book, n.d.), Chapter 4.
光传播、检测和通信〉,(未出版文献,未注明出版日期),第4章。 |
Sharapova has pulled her elbow closer to her body.
莎拉波娃拉近了手肘和身体的距离。 |
Sharapova is getting ready to unleash into the shot.
莎拉波娃攻击准备阶段完成了。 |
Sharapova noted that the U.S. Open, which runs Aug. 27-Sept. 8, coincides with New York Fashion Week and she tries to make it to at least one show.
莎拉波娃说,美网公开赛将从8月27日持续至9月8日,纽约时装周也将在此期间开幕。她说她要去看至少一场时装秀。 |
Sharapova's left hand is starting to move out in front of her to track the ball.
莎拉波娃的左手开始在身前移动跟踪球。 |
Share (of Audience) - The percent of TV sets in use (or persons viewing) tuned to a program.
节目视听众占有率(或“市场份额”)-收看某一特定节目开机率的百分数。 |
Share Ideas on Learning English and WIN Great Prizes!
学英语,赢大奖! |
Share Something Old and Something New. Teach your mom a dance step; have your mom introduce you to one of her favorite songs from her teen years.
做个好帮手。和你一样,妈妈也会有烦恼的时候。要做妈妈的好帮手,整理好自己的房间,把你的衣服洗好。 |
Share a fairy tale with the students .
(大意是:找篇童话到班上和同学分享。) |
Share a joke or engineer a comic situation, such as learning new dance steps while one of you is blindfolded.
给对方讲个笑话或营造一个喜剧场景,比如,一起学一种新舞步时,将其中一个人的眼睛蒙起来。 |
Share best practice in diabetes education, prevention and care that targets disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.
与糖尿病弱势群体分享最好的教育、预防和治疗手段。 |