The groom also gives the bride a bag of coins, the bride gives the groom either three or seven handkerchiefs (believed to be a lucky number).
新郎还向新娘赠送一袋硬币,新娘则赠送新郎3条或7条手绢(3和7被认为是吉利数字)。 |
The groom and his father-in-law wore traditional waistcoats, wing-collared shirts and cravats, but with shorts instead of trousers.
新郎和他的岳父上身穿着传统的马甲和硬翻领衬衫,打着领结,下身没有穿长裤,而是穿着短裤。 |
The groom enters the church from a side door.
而新郎则要从侧门进入教堂。 |
The groom had a bad case of cold feet in the weeks before the wedding, but his anxiety vanished every time he saw his beautiful bride-to-be.
新郎在结婚前几周开始变得杞人忧天,但他每次见到未来的妻子时,所有的忧虑都会消失。 |
The groom lightly raised the bride's veil and softly kissed her lips.
新郎轻轻地撩开了新娘的面纱,缓缓地吻上了她的唇。 |
The groom once traveled to the bride's house on a white pony, bearing fidelity symbols—a gray goose and gander.
过去,新郎骑一匹小白马去新娘家,并带上一对象征着忠诚的灰色的雌鹅和雄鹅。 |
The groom put a ring on his new wife's finger.
新郎将戒指戴在新婚妻子的手指上。 |
The groom will place a gold wedding ring on the third finger of the bride's left hand.
新郎把金戒指戴在新娘左手的第三个手指上。 |
The groove around the seat permits the gate to push particles aside and prevents clogging. When the valve is open the flow cleans the groove.
阀座周围的槽使得闸板能够把颗粒推到旁边,避免产生堵塞。当阀门开启时,通过的流体对槽进行清洗。 |
The groove so cut.
榫槽这种切割的凹槽 |
The gross and microscopic appearance of an ovarian dysgerminoma is essentially the same as a seminoma of the testis in a male.
卵巢的无性细胞瘤肉眼和显微镜下表现基本上与男性睾丸的精原细胞瘤一致。 |