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Numerical simulation has been done on the tetrode extraction acceleration system for an ion source with 0kV,70A and s.
对 0kV、70A、s离子源的四电极引出 加速系统进行了数值模拟。

Numerical Simulation Method of Motion of External Stores Ejected/Dropped from an Aircraft 飞机外挂物发射/投放运动的数值仿真方法
Numerical Simulation of Catalytic Combustion and Its Application to HCCI Engines 催化燃烧的数值模拟及其在均质压燃(HCCI)发动机中应用的基础研究
Numerical Simulation of Gas solid Two Phase Flow in Pulverized Coal Boiler of Bumping Separation and Adjustable Concentration 撞击式煤粉可调浓度浓缩燃烧器内气固两相流动的数值模拟
Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the validity of this method, and its applications to solve problems contact on blade root, rotor steeple in turbines. 文中给出考题验证了计算方法的有效性,并给出了本文方法在汽轮机叶根与轮缘接触问题中的应用实例。
Numerical simulation and software execution on advent of freshet in river 河道洪水演进数值模拟及软件实现
Numerical simulation has been done on the tetrode extraction acceleration system for an ion source with 0kV,70A and s. 对 0kV、70A、s离子源的四电极引出 加速系统进行了数值模拟。
Nursing Care of Savary Bougie Dilation for Ulcerous Strictures of Duodenum 沙氏探条扩张治疗十二指肠溃疡瘢痕性狭窄的护理
Nursing care of a case with congenital coarctation of aorta undergoing double-sacculi dilation and stent with tectorial membrane implantation 例先天性主动脉缩窄行双球囊扩张及覆膜支架植入术的护理
Nursing care of autologous pelage transplantation to treat patients with permanent alopecia 自体毛发移植治疗永久性秃发的护理
Nursing care of patients with cervical vertabrae disease handled by manever 手法治疗颈椎病的护理
Nursing care of pyemic patients with leg vibrio vulnificus infections 下肢感染创伤弧菌所致脓毒血症的护理

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