Yale University Center for Structural Biology houses X-ray equipment and computational resources for macromolecular structure determination.
耶鲁大学结构生物学中心备有测定大分子结构的X射线仪器和计算资源。 |
Yale University:Truth and light.
耶鲁大学:真理、光明。 |
Yale engineers who study both flow hydrodynamics and how bacteria propel themselves report that one reason for the high incidence of infections associated with catheters in hospital patients may be that some pathogenic bacteria swim to the left,in a study
《物理评论快报》出版发行了一项研究,研究细菌流体动力学及如何运动方面的耶鲁大学工程学家报道说,住院病人导尿管高感染发生率原因可能是因为致病菌“向左游”导致。 |
Yalei Dance Studio offers courses in ballet, the ever-popular jazz and Latino dances and tap dancing.
雅蕾舞蹈工作室开设有芭蕾、热门的爵士、拉丁舞、弗拉明戈、肚皮舞等以及独特的踢踏舞、瑜伽,跆拳道多种课程。 |
Yalong Bay Mangrove Tree Resort is the Exclusive Hotel of Contestants and TV Crew& Associate for World Strongest Man 2006 Sanya China.
亚龙湾红树林度假酒店为2006三亚世界第一大力士冠军赛唯一指定选手和电视制作团队接待酒店暨该赛事协办单位。 |
Yalong Bay offers beautiful white and pristine sandy beach with clear blue water.
亚龙湾拥有最白晰绵软的沙滩及清澈碧蓝的海水. |
Yam: First, let me approach it carefully.
蕃薯:首先,让我小心趋近。 |
Yama (or the five commandments) constitutes the universal duty and is irrespective of race, place, time or emergency.
此五大根本律法(自然法则)无论种族、地点、时间和事态发展皆不得更改。 |
Yamada R, et al. Hepatic artery embolization in 120 patients with unresectable hepatoma Radiology 1983; 148: 397.
林贵等.肝癌的微血管结构和血供.中华放射学杂志,1985,5:257. |
Yamada is similarly sceptical about the Japanese education system, as demonstrated in the Schoolseries.
同时,山田亦对日本教育制度深存怀疑,透过《学校》系列表明他的教育观、人生观。 |
Yamada suggested to the Shochiku Studio his idea of turning Tora-saninto a film, albeit the opposition of the head of the studio, directed Tora-san Our Lovable Tramp.
1969山田向松竹提出把《男人之苦》拍成电影版,在社长强烈反对之下,执导了电影。 |