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Dean: Yeah, you've got that right.

Dean's aptitude in math helped him to become a successful engineer. 迪安在数学方面的才能使他成为一名成功的工程师。
Dean, C. Towards a Theory of City Form: Le Corbusier's Plans for the City of Algiers, 1930-1942.1978. 朝向城市形式理论:科比意对阿尔及利亚城市的计划,1930-1942〉,1978。
Dean: I don't know what you're talking about. 迪安:我不知道你在说什么。
Dean: My wife's been saying that for years. 我老婆这些年一直在嘀咕这事。
Dean: Uh, what are you talking about? 迪安:呃,你在说什么?
Dean: Yeah, you've got that right. 迪安:对,你说得对。
Dean: You think you know. But let's see you prove it. 迪安:你认为你知道。不过你要证明给我们看看。
Dean: You're talking crazy now. 迪安:你现在是在说疯话吧。
Deancain> And I do all of this work out of my home office... no more physical production company.... whew! 我做的都是我办公室外的工作…不再有实体的制片公司…唉!
Deancain> I am currently writing three different scripts. A comedy, and Iraq war pic. and a television series. 我正在撰写三部不同的剧本。一部是喜剧,一部是伊拉克战争的影片,还有一部是电视影集。
Deancain> I don't recall hating that black suit... and I don't remember having a specific name for it, but now that I'm over 40, it could just be a memory thing! 我不记得我有讨厌那套黑色的衣服啊……我也不记得我有给它起什麽绰号来著。不过再怎麽说我现在也40出头了,多少记忆力方面可能会有些问题吧!

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