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Complex adaptive system theory is a new means to analyze the complex water resources system.

Completion of the project on schedule and reliability and safety of the project in operation all benefit from implementation of its risk analysis and management. 工程的按时完工、运行的可靠性和安全性,在很大程度上都得益于项目的风险分析与管理工作的贯彻和实施。
Completion of these problems is optional and not required. 此题为自由发挥不列入计分。
Completly editable formations. Move any player to any part of the pitch. 完全的自主编辑属性,可以在任何位置上使用任何球员。
Complex 3-dimension (3D) microstructures can be constructed using this technique with the advantages of being maskless, single step, real 3D structure and high resolution. 我们展示了一个有潜力应用于组织工程及生医领域之新颖的微制造技术-双光子吸收光致聚合法,它所使用之基材为液态高分子材料。
Complex Opcodes encoding would make it quite challenging to Reverse Engineer. 复杂的操作码编码对逆向是一种挑战。
Complex adaptive system theory is a new means to analyze the complex water resources system. 摘要基于复杂适应系统理论,对水资源系统进行分析。
Complex and densely plotted, this is not an ordinary thriller and suspense story, but far more a discernment into human emotions. 复杂及紧凑的程度,远远的超过一般的悚然及悬疑的小说。
Complex atheroma have calcification, thrombosis, or hemorrhage. 常见的复合病变有钙化、血栓形成、出血等。
Complex changes are done in the form's event handling methods. 复杂的数据交互在窗体的事件处理方法中实现。
Complex geology and varied topography have given rise to a diversity of ecosystems and species unmatched in the insular Caribbean and created one of the most biologically diverse tropical island sites on earth. 加勒比海地区,与世隔绝,有着复杂的地质和不同的地形,这些使其形成了自己与众不同的生态系统,创造了地球上最复杂的热带岛屿生物多样性系统。
Complex operation done per-pixel basis. 逐象素基本要做的复杂操作。

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