The Bologna process has no legal force behind it; but it is still forcing big changes.
博洛尼亚程序背后并无法律效力,但它仍在推动巨大的变革。 |
The Bombers haven't faced the right-hander since the 2006 playoffs.
自从季后赛后洋基队就再也没遇过他了。 |
The Book of Changes and Huangdi's Internal Classics were formed at the same period.
《易传》与《内经》形成于同一历史时期而略早于《内经》,且两者皆与上古巫文化相关,有相似的文化背景。 |
The Book of Enoch is a pseudo-epigraphal work that claims to be written by a biblical character.
以诺书是一个伪造作品,声称是由一位圣经人物所写。 |
The Book of Enoch was first discovered in Abyssinia in the year 1773 by a Scottish explorer named James Bruce.
以诺书首先在1773年被一位叫詹姆斯布鲁斯的苏格兰探险家发现于阿比西尼亚(非洲东部国家)。 |
The Book of Genesis which is the first book of the bible starts with the Creation of the world.
创世纪是圣经的第一卷书,它以世界的创造为开始. |
The Book of Mormon describes a time period from 2000 BC to 400 AD and millions of people.
《摩门经》描述一段从公元前两千年到公元四百年的历史和数以百万计的人口。 |
The Book of songs was the first anthology of poetry in ancient China.
《诗经》是中国古代第一部诗歌总集。 |
The Boolean object is an object wrapper for a Boolean value.
布尔对象是布尔值的包装对象。 |
The Bootleg Archive is a universal music dsatabase. This database will contain all information concerning touring bands. Tour dates, track listings, covers etc.
这是个通用音乐数据库,该数据库包含旅游乐队的所有信息,如旅游日期、路线清单等。 |
The Bordeaux Supérieur appellation is subject to stricter production rules than the Bordeaux appellation:10% lower yields and maturing of at least 12 months.
波尔多高级葡萄酒名号比波尔多名号更加严格遵守生产规定,它的产量比波尔多名号低10%,发酵后葡萄酒需至少放置12个月才投放市场。 |