F**k off,he replied. Capello wasn't the kind of man who minced words. You're coming off, because you're holding back, you're not trying. |
中文意思: 卡配罗不是那种拐弯抹角的人,他回答我说:“你给我滚蛋。你下场是因为我不想让你继续呆在场上,你不用再踢了。 |
Experimental attempts may have begun by 1709, but not until 1783 did J.-M. and J.-é. Montgolfier develop a fabric-bag balloon that would rise when filled with hot air.
1709年人类开始作实验性的尝试,但一直至1783年法国蒙戈尔费埃兄弟才发展出一种纤维织物袋气球,其在充满热空气后即可浮升。 |
Explain to the class why it won‘t dissolve.
“向班上同学解释为什么不会溶解。” |
Explicitly,Mr. Lewis replied. He said that had been the case for 300 years of parliamentary practice.
“肯定会。”刘易斯回答说。刘易斯称,300年来,确实存在这样的案例。 |
Exposure to pesticides and nitrates can alter the hormonal milieu of the pregnant mother and the developing fetal brain,Winchester explained in a statement.
温彻斯特解释说,接触杀虫剂和硝酸盐会使孕妇体内的荷尔蒙环境发生改变,从而影响胎儿的大脑发育。 |
Extremely thinappears as a knife-edge; that is, the crown meets the pavilion with no girdle in between.
非常薄,看起来就像一个刀口;那就是,官方会见凉亭无肩带之间. |
F**k off,he replied. Capello wasn't the kind of man who minced words. You're coming off, because you're holding back, you're not trying.
卡配罗不是那种拐弯抹角的人,他回答我说:“你给我滚蛋。你下场是因为我不想让你继续呆在场上,你不用再踢了。 |
Fabio Capello promised me last season that bringing in a world-class midfielder to play by my side was a priority.
“卡配罗上赛季向我发誓为我带来一位世界级的和我并肩作战的战友。” |
Fabrication Method of Self-Assembly Silicon Quantum Dot, Pat No. 6375737, Apr. 23, 2002, U.S.A.
制作自行聚合矽量子点之方法,中华民国专利,专利号码137819,7月21日,2001。 |
Facing up to history squarelyisn't easy for any country.
“正视历史”对于任何国家都容易做到。 |
Facts do not lie. Under the Bush administration and this Republican Congress, America is less safe, facing greater threats, and unprepared for a dangerous world in which we live.
“事实是不会说谎的。在布什政府和共和党议会的领导下,美国在面对更大的威胁时,已经没有以往安全,而且对于这个我们生活的危险世界还未准备充分。” |
Fallen is Virgin Israel, never to rise again, deserted in her own land, with no one to lift her up.
2以色列民〔原文作处女〕跌倒、不得再起.躺在地上、无人搀扶。 |