Hemoptysis is described in many disease processes.
摘要很多疾病的病征会表现出咳血。 |
Hemoptysis is often an alarming presenting symptom.
摘要咳血常是一种令人惊恐的症状。 |
Hemoptysis stopped spontaneously after conservative treatments and anti-tuberculous therapy.
在结多抗结核菌的药物治疗后,病患咳血自动缓解。 |
Hemorrhage from the maxillary artery can be a serious problem in maxillo-facial injuries.
摘要内颔动脉出血是颅顔外伤病患严重的问题。 |
Hemorrhage into neoplasm occurs in choreocarcinoma, melanoma, renal cell, bronchogenic carcinoma, pituitary adenoma, glioblastoma multiforme and medulloblastoma. These tumors may present as hemorrhage.
当脑膜瘤,肺癌,垂体腺瘤,恶性胶质瘤,髓母细胞瘤等肿瘤发生出血时,从影像上可能会将肿瘤误认为出血。 |
Hemorrhage of intracranial arachonoid cyst is also uncommon.
颅内蜘蛛网膜囊肿出血伴随硬脑膜下腔血肿也并不常见。 |
Hemorrhage will be moved up in the tree to become a 21 point talent.
出血被移动到敏锐系天赋树的21点位置。 |
Hemorrhagic complications associated with acute and chronic pancreatitis are major factors contributing to the mortality and morbidity of pancreatic diseases.
摘要出血性合并症为造成慢性或急性胰脏炎病人死亡或致病的主要原因之一。 |
Hemorrhagic pericarditis is most likely to occur with metastatic tumor and with tuberculosis (TB).
出血性心包炎最可能合并转移性肿瘤和肺结核(TB)。 |
Hemorrhoids can itch and bleed (usually bright red blood, during defacation).
痔疮发痒、出血(在损伤过程中通常是鲜红的血)。 |
Hemorrhoids consist of dilated submucosal veins which may thrombose and rupture with hematoma formation.
痔疮由扩张的黏膜下血管形成,此黏膜下血管可形成血栓和破损伴有血肿的形成。 |