Oftentimes it is a matter of being careful about assigning passwords to people and of changing them when people leave a company.
保护安全常常也是谨慎地将口令分配与人,并且在他们离开公司时更换口令。 |
Oftentimes the main problem with many electronic systems is a poor or defective power supply and by monitoring the power supply electrical parameters, a power supply failure and system outage can be avoided.
就常规来说,有许多电子的系统的主要的问题是有着不良的或者是有缺陷的能量供但是通过监控能量供应的电子参数,供电失误和系统停止的情况是可以避免的。 |
Oftentimes, they find themselves reemployed in one way or another in areas where their skills and expertise are still useful and highly valued.
这些人常常以这样那样的方式重操旧业,使得自己英雄有用武之地。 |
Oftentimes, we think we lose peace because people or our circumstances steal it from us.
很多时候,我们觉得失去平安是因为周围的人和环境把平安从我们这里偷走。 |
Og Mandino All the gold in the world cannot buy a dying man one more breath - so what does that make today worth ?!
其他回答所有的黄金在世界上不能够买垂死的男人另外一个呼吸-如此那作今天价值什么? |
Ogden played the piano more skillfully than his fellow-countryman conducted the orchestra.
奥格登弹钢琴的熟练程度超过他同胞指挥管弦乐队。 |
Ogden went to the Gaunt house to serve a summons on Morfin Gaunt.
(“混血王子”,第10章)奥格登为了传唤莫芬·冈特而造访冈特家。 |
Ogle, Maureen. All the Modern Conveniences: American Household Plumbing, 1840-1890. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
《所有的现代便利:美国家庭管道系统》,1840-1890。约翰·霍普金斯大学出版社,1996。 |
Ogle, one of my very oldest friends, for he was my private Tutor, when I was an Undergraduate.
同这位老朋友告别,也就告别了我原来上学的三一学院,我所爱的学院。 |
Ogres grip has been added, allowing two-handed weapons to be dual wielded. But you become fat in the process. Really fat. Try getting laid now, fatty.
新增了技能食人魔之握,可以双持双手武器了。但在这过程中你会变胖,变的非常胖。现在试着找人上床吧,胖子。 |
Ogryns are in no way a match for a man in terms of intellect or foresight(for example, they will not have been issued woth a copy of this hand book, because they undoubtedly would not understand a single word) but they can smash any enemy foolish to stand
欧根蛮人在智力或是预见能力上都无法与常人相提并论(打个比方,你现在阅读的这本书将不会被发放到欧根人的手里,因为他们根本连上面的一个词都不认识),但他们却可以轻易将任何蠢到胆敢赤手空拳挡在他们面前的敌人打得落花流水。 |