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His wife's leaving him drove him so mad that he had to be put in an insane asylum for a while.

His wife won't relish having to wash all those dishes. 他的妻子不会喜欢洗这一大堆碟子的。
His wife's a child in money matters. 他的妻子在钱财方面还是个毛孩子。;他的妻子不善于理财。
His wife's calm nature act as a counterbalance to his excitability. 他妻子生性从容不迫,这对他的易冲动的个性起著平衡作用。
His wife's calm nature acts as a counterbalance to his excitability. 他妻子的沉着冷静抵销了他的急性子脾气。
His wife's death left him a vacuum in his life. 他妻子的去世使他的生活变得空虚。
His wife's leaving him drove him so mad that he had to be put in an insane asylum for a while. 他妻子的离开使他变得如此发疯,他只好被暂时送往精神病院。
His wife's name was Ahinoam daughter of Ahimaaz. The name of the commander of Saul's army was Abner son of Ner, and Ner was Saul's uncle. 50扫罗的妻名叫亚希暖,是亚希玛斯的女儿。扫罗的元帅名叫押尼珥,是尼珥的儿子。尼珥是扫罗的叔叔。
His wife's sudden death upset the balance ofhis mind. 他妻子突然去世, 他感到六神无主.
His wife, Elizabeth is even smarter, with an IQ of 142. 他的太太伊丽莎白甚至更聪明,智商为142。
His wife, Liu Zhanying, used to work in Hangzhou. 妻子名叫刘湛莹,一直在杭州工作。
His wife, Louise, has become patron of Europe's original charity for the rehabilitation of racehorses, the Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre. 欧文的妻子,路易斯,已经是一个致力于赛马康复的基金会的成员。

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